
A leading charity spoke to over 2,200 nurses, midwives and HCAs about financial hardship and the findings were quite shocking

The Problem Cavell Nurses’ Trust spoke to over 2,200 nurses, midwives and HCAs about financial hardship and deprivation, domestic abuse,…

8 years ago

SuperAger brains shrink more slowly than peers’ brains , a new path-breaking study shows

The brains of SuperAgers (those 80 years old and older whose memories are as sharp as healthy people in their…

8 years ago

Doing moderate exercise several times a week is the best way to keep the mind sharp if you’re over 50, research suggests.

Thinking and memory skills were most improved when people exercised the heart and muscles on a regular basis, a review…

8 years ago

Doing moderate exercise several times a week is the best way to keep the mind sharp if you’re over 50, research suggests.

Thinking and memory skills were most improved when people exercised the heart and muscles on a regular basis, a review…

8 years ago

Great ways of Supporting UK nursing professionals who are suffering hardship

Cavell Nurses' Trust Trust is  always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help spread the word about Cavell Nurses' Trust or…

8 years ago

10 Yummy, Healthy Snacks for Healthcare Professionals

Eating healthy can be a bit of a challenge, as healthcare professionals are typically managing long shifts, running around and…

8 years ago

Social care crisis : dealing with staff shortages (UK)

Last year’s report by Skills for Care on the state of the adult social care sector and workforce in England estimated that…

8 years ago

Free Full Enhanced DBS when joining Secure Healthcare Solutions !

What is the DBS? The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) helps healthcare employers make safer recruitment decisions and prevent unsuitable…

8 years ago

Things to consider before accepting a job with UK Nursing Agencies

Nursing is Career … Not just a Job You’re ready for a new job opportunity. Started job search and managed…

8 years ago