Are you an individual, or do you have a family member in need of home care? Or are you an organisation seeking healthcare staffing solutions? Perhaps you are looking for your next healthcare career step? Secure Healthcare Solutions can help. We provide the highest quality of healthcare across England and are proud to have done so since 2015.
Care work can be a sensitive task, which is why our company is only built up of the most dynamic individuals with a wealth of knowledge and experience in healthcare. You can trust that your loved ones will be in safe hands with us, as we offer a full “out of hours” on call service and are always there to support you in your hour of need.
If you are an organisation that needs a temporary or permanent solution in the healthcare sector, our good old fashioned values and a knowledge of modern technology will ensure patient care is delivered to maximum effect. Our mission is to deliver the very best service to our ageing population and those with disabilities while reducing the cost of care and simultaneously increasing the pay to our committed staff members.
We pride ourselves on providing over and above the basic training for our entire workforce to ensure a consistently high service for our clients and service users. Our staff training programme is always active and up to date with the latest regulations.

Complex care is one-to-one care specifically tailored for those affected by complex health conditions which require nursing care. We understand that each complex care client has a unique set of requirements and needs based on their conditions, which we are happy to accommodate with our specialist staff. We cover complex and specialist care in Wolverhampton, Walsall, Birmingham, Stafford, Stoke, Cheshire and the surrounding West Midlands region, alongside many other locations. We know it can be a difficult and challenging time so when you find yourself asking “where can I find complex care near me”, we are just a phone call away.
Those affected by complex conditions will often rely on specialist equipment such as ventilators, colostomy bags, PEG feeding tubes and lift mobility. Secure Healthcare Solutions is equipped with highly experienced complex care staff who are able to provide a one-to-one service enabling our complex care clients to remain in their own homes with the greatest possible degree of independence. Complex care services range from short visits through to full time, live-in care.
Our complex care service is most suited to individuals who:
- Have been discharged from hospital and have significant nursing and clinical care needs that need to be continually monitored.
- Are in hospital wards such as intensive care or high dependency units and are due to return home, faced with a long-term recovery process.
- Suffer from degenerative conditions and have on-going care needs.
- Have physical or learning disabilities and require long-term support in the home.
- Have complex care needs and are dependent on life sustaining technology.
How can complex care near me help?
- Intermittent catheterisation
- Peristeen – rectal irrigation
- Suppositories and digital stimulation for bowel movement
- Bladder washout
- Convene
- Urethral and Supra pubic catheter
- Cpap, BiPap and Vpap ventilation
- Cough assist
- Diabetes blood sugar monitoring
- Stoma – ileostomy, colostomy, urostomy
- Inhalers
- PEG feeding inc. bolus and continuous Nebuliser
- Insulin injections
Intravenous (IV) antibiotics at home
Our specialist staff are able to administer intravenous (IV) antibiotics safely at your home, which can help unblock hospital beds and ensure a recovery in the comfort of the patient’s home. Patients can be referred to us by any primary or secondary care professional. Our team’s experienced approach ensures that IV antibiotics are given only if required and that treatment is carefully monitored to ensure safety and clinical excellence.
Ventilator dependency
We’re experienced in caring for clients who need non-invasive or invasive ventilation support and our work is based on the most up to date clinical research and practice. Our specialists have honed their skills in this specific area and are trained to monitor ventilator as well as infection prevention and pain management. We are on hand to ensure that the patient remains well-nourished during their dependency and can also provide reassuring support for both the client and their families.
Acquired brain injury (ABI)
We can provide specialist support for clients who have physical, behavioural and cognitive needs as a result of a brain injury. We will prepare a care plan that has the goal of assisting the client to achieve the best possible quality of life whilst living at home. Our specialist skills are focused on working with the client and their family to provide ongoing support and rehabilitation. The individual’s care plan is created around development of life skills and goals that the client and family want to achieve.
Spinal cord injury
Traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) is perhaps the most devastating orthopaedic injury for clients and their families. We can provide vital support to those in rehabilitation. Our skilled specialists are on hand to support clients and their families in coming to terms with an injury of this nature as well as aid re-integration into the community.
Our services for SCI clients typically include:
- Bowel and bladder support
- Management of pressure ulcers
- Companionship and emotional support
Learning disabilities
The needs and requirements of all of our clients with learning disabilities are both specific and unique. We ensure that we have a full understanding of the nature of any disability and any challenging behaviour before care commences. The aim of the process of care planning is to help clients develop the skills they need to lead fulfilling lives as well as provide support for families. In addition, a thorough assessment into needs and preferences helps us to match the ‘best fit’ staff for the role. Our regular reviews and consultations with other professionals and family members ensures the continuous improvement in the care provided and the successful development and support of the individual.
Dementia care
Our dementia care services are designed to ensure that the client can remain in the familiar surroundings of their own home with our professional support. Our service is overseen by highly experienced mental health nurses and our care plans are specifically tailored to the needs of the individual, such as remaining at home being a key factor in assisting with the condition as it progresses. Our carers who work with dementia clients have specific specialist dementia training and are recruited on the basis of ‘best fit’ for the role and to the individuals they care for. We are able to combine our services for those that need dementia care and physical care assistance.
Neurological disorders
A neurological condition can affect anyone at any age. It may be present from birth, or acquired in later life. It may be a short term or a life-long condition. Whatever the case, a neurological disorder always has an enormous impact on people’s lives, physically, intellectually and emotionally. We are on hand to deliver bespoke programmes designed around the needs of the affected individual and to help them lead an active and fulfilling life. Our approach is always to be sensitive to each individual and respectful of dignity and the client’s personal choices, providing enough support to ensure clients have as much independence as they want and can manage.
Palliative care
Palliative care is a specialised area of healthcare for patients with life threatening illnesses. Our palliative care service can be provided at all stages of illness, including pre-diagnosis, diagnosis, treatment and cure. The main objective for our service is to achieve the best quality of life for those suffering from a progressive illness, as well as their families. We are able to provide round the clock palliative care for those with life threatening illnesses and help each individual manage their pain and any other symptoms in the best way possible for them, based on their physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs. Our carers are trained to provide ongoing support between visits from medical health care professionals, can offer respite support when family members need some time out, or just provide reassuring support to the family at an emotionally challenging time. Our programmes are bespoke to each individual and flexible to adapt to changing needs.
Our specialist and complex care covers Birmingham, Wolverhampton and many other areas in the West Midlands. To find out where is best for you, please get in touch today.
Join our team with our complex care nurse jobs
We wouldn’t be able to offer the same level of complex and specialist care services if it weren’t for our team of complex care nurses. If you are on the lookout for complex care nurse jobs and want to join a dedicated, hardworking team then please get in touch.
“A swift systematic care system provided me work within 10 days.”
Shantele Garrison, Support Care Worker