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When it comes to a point in yours or a loved one’s life that they can no longer cope living at home, you will have to consider what the next step is. The two main options are usually live-in care or care homes. While both offer the same fundamental propositions, there are many differences between them. Both offer expert care 24/7, seven days a week on a long-term (or short term) basis depending on what is needed. There are benefits and detrimental points to both, but home care services have been rising in popularity more and more over recent years. And with good reason. A good alternative to sending your loved one to live in residential care, it offers all the benefits of a care home, with others added on too. Here are some top reasons that care at home is rising in popularity.

Care at home means you can stay in familiar surroundings

If you go to live in a care home you are being taken away from all that you know and hold dear. Houses are so much more than bricks and mortar, and many have been the home of the occupant for many years. In this time you would have built up a host of memories and created a space that you love and cherish. Being taken away from all your belongings and the sights, smells, sounds and routines that you know so well can be challenging; particularly for those that are suffering from conditions such as dementia. Home care services allow you to stay in your familiar surroundings, while also receiving the additional support and care that you require.

You receive dedicated one to one care

In a care home, you will receive care that is shared out between a number of other residents. When you receive home care services from a healthcare agency you receive dedicated one to one care in your own home. Your care at home provider will be there just for you and will be able to give you their undivided attention. No matter if it is emotional or medical, they will look after you and make sure that your needs are met without distraction. In a care home, they might have to rush off to help someone else, or be speaking to and helping many of you at the same time.
Care at home servicesPhoto by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

You can feel more in control

When you receive home care services you can feel more in control. It is a home carer coming into your home as opposed to you going to their care home. You know where everything is and it is your space where you feel most comfortable. In a care home, you often don’t have control over the time you eat, when you go to bed and when you wake up. A home carer is more flexible with this and can sort out a schedule that works for you.

You don’t have to move away from your family

When looking for a care home you want it to be somewhere that you can envisage yourself living at. This might mean that you have to move out of town, or further away from your family. Many people need the care and companionship that their family provides and if it is harder for relatives to visit, this could be detrimental to your mental health. By staying at home you don’t have to alter any visiting routines from your family and if they usually pop round often, this can easily continue.

You can stay with your pets

Not many residential homes allow you to take your pet with you. For many, pets are like family and moving away from them can be very difficult and distressing. By staying at home and choosing care at home, you can keep living with your pet. If you have a dog that you aren’t able to walk anymore, your home care service carer can help you with sorting appropriate care for them so they still get the exercise they need. They can also help you with feeding them and liaising with a vet for you if this is required.

These are just a few reasons that care at home is rising in popularity. Here at Secure Healthcare Solutions, we are a healthcare agency that provides many home care services ensuring you can stay in your own surroundings when you need it the most. We are one of the best home care agencies in Wolverhampton and the surrounding areas. If you are looking for a care at home provider that puts their all into everything that we do, then look no further. Find out more about our home care services here and please get in touch with us if you have any questions.

Dysphagia is a condition that means it is hard to swallow food or liquid. Not only is this distressing in itself, but if the person it is impacting is not eating it can lead to serious problems such as malnutrition, pneumonia or dehydration. This is why it is so important to try and assist with this as soon as possible. Some of the main conditions which could lead to dysphagia include Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, a stroke, head injury and cancer, particularly cancer of the oesophagus. Often, medical conditions such as the above, can cause the nerves or muscles in the throat to become weak or not work properly, making it difficult to swallow food and drink.

What are the symptoms of dysphagia?

If you have dysphagia you could have difficulty swallowing certain liquids or foods, cough or choke when drinking or eating, bring food back up and be unable to chew food properly.

What does a nutritious diet include?

A nutritious diet will keep the body and mind healthy, strong and in the best state possible. A nutritious diet should consist of the following:
Carbohydrates – Found in foods like pasta, bread, cereals and rice

Healthy fats – Healthy fats are present in dairy, butter and oil
Protein – Protein can be found in pulses, nuts, meat, eggs and fish
Vitamins and minerals – Different vitamins and minerals are found in different foods. For example, Vitamin C is present in citrus fruits, Iron in meat, poultry and beans and Vitamin A in vegetables such as carrots and kale.
Fluids – Water is best for the body to keep you hydrated

Top Tips for those with difficulty swallowing dysphagiaHow to help someone with dysphagia swallow their food and drink

There are a number of different tips and methods for people with dysphagia and it is a good idea to try different techniques and see what works best for the individual. These are just a few things you can try to help your loved one.

  • Encourage them to sit upright, relax and take their time with chewing small, manageable pieces of food
  • Have more frequent, smaller meals and snacks rather than three large meals in a day
  • Eat soft foods that are easy on the throat, such as soup or yoghurt
  • Mash up food that is not naturally soft, or finely chop it so it is easy to manage. This can include meat, vegetables and fruit
  • Cook food until it becomes tender. This includes cooking rice or vegetables for longer to ensure they are soft and easier to swallow
  • Make smoothies or shakes. Instead of trying to help them to eat an apple or banana, why not put them together in a blender and make them into a smoothie? You can add milk to make it easier to swallow. You could also add in some protein powder to ensure they are getting enough protein for their body
  • Use plenty of gravy and sauce to help food go down easier
  • Avoid foods that are too salty, dry, sticky or have pips in as these can all be difficult to swallow
  • Take small sips of water or another drink between mouthfuls. Make sure these are small sips. If not, you might get full of water

How to decide what to make
There are also a host of recipe books out there which are specifically designed for dysphagia and if you need help with swallowing. No matter if you are suffering from swallowing and need help with Parkinson’s care, Multiple Sclerosis Care, Stroke Care, head injury care and cancer care, there are some great resources to help. You could also try looking on Pinterest. Speak to the individual who is impacted and ask what foods they fancy. You can then put together a plan and some recipes based on this.

Remember that each individual is different and that some techniques might work better than others. Communicate with the individual and see what they feel comfortable with trying.

If you have someone coming in to help with the care of your loved one with Parkinsons, Multiple Sclerosis, a stroke, head injury, cancer or anything else that can cause dysphagia, be sure to voice any questions you might have. We have a range of home care health professionals who can help. Find out more about how we can help with Parkinson’s care, Multiple Sclerosis Care, Stroke Care, head injury care and cancer care as well as our other services here.