Are you an individual, or do you have a family member in need of home care? Or are you an organisation seeking healthcare staffing solutions? Perhaps you are looking for your next healthcare career step? Secure Healthcare Solutions can help. We provide the highest quality of healthcare across England and are proud to have done so since 2015.
Care work can be a sensitive task, which is why our company is only built up of the most dynamic individuals with a wealth of knowledge and experience in healthcare. You can trust that your loved ones will be in safe hands with us, as we offer a full “out of hours” on call service and are always there to support you in your hour of need.
If you are an organisation that needs a temporary or permanent solution in the healthcare sector, our good old fashioned values and a knowledge of modern technology will ensure patient care is delivered to maximum effect. Our mission is to deliver the very best service to our ageing population and those with disabilities while reducing the cost of care and simultaneously increasing the pay to our committed staff members.
We pride ourselves on providing over and above the basic training for our entire workforce to ensure a consistently high service for our clients and service users. Our staff training programme is always active and up to date with the latest regulations.

Here at Secure Healthcare Solutions we know that having a relative or loved one who needs round the clock care also takes its toll on those looking after them. You can’t continue to support and care for them if you yourself are run down and not taking care of yourself. You need time to recharge, rest up and get some respite yourself so you can function properly too. We know just how important this is and that is why we offer the highest quality respite care so you can take some me-time to do whatever you need to do. Whether you are looking to go on holiday or just have some time to rest up and get any jobs done you need to, we are here for you. Our respite care will ensure your loved one is left in safe and secure care and won’t need to be transferred to a temporary residential home or care facility.
Where can I find respite care near me?
If you are looking for respite care near you, we are here to help. We offer respite care in Wolverhampton, Walsall, Birmingham, Dudley, Sandwell, Cannock, Telford and many more. Simply check out our map here to find out the nearest to you.
What is respite care and how can it help?
Respite care is designed to give those who care for loved ones a break. You may be looking for emergency respite care or a respite care service that is long term or short term. From allowing you to go away for a holiday or as a weekly respite care service where we take the person you care for to a day centre or activity group you can feel safe knowing they’re in the best possible care. You may be on the search for respite care for elderly relatives, someone who has a terminal illness, or someone who has been discharged from hospital and is unable to live as independently as before.
Taking care of someone night and day can leave you feeling physically and emotionally exhausted and while you might recognise you need a break, it can be hard to actually do so. With our expert and experienced respite and domiciliary care staff, we can show you that leaving your loved one for a little much needed rejuvenation is the best thing for both of you. It may feel daunting to hand over the responsibility to someone else at first and you could feel the following:
- You may feel the routine you do is too complex to explain to an outsider
- You may feel wrong leaving your loved one in the care of someone else
- You may worry the person taking over won’t do as good a job as you do
- You may be concerned the carer will end up doing a better job than you and you will no longer feel needed
It is important to remember that you can’t give your best care if you are run down and that your carer while being excellent and doing the job, won’t replace or have the same level of love as you do. Respite care is the best thing for both you and the person you care for and will leave you feeling fresh and in the best possible mindset. It will enable you to pick back up old hobbies and activities and we can also take the person you care for out for you. This will give them a chance to mix up their routine and meet new people. If they need more complex care in the comfort of their home we can do this too and our respite and domiciliary care in Wolverhampton, Sandwell Wolverhampton, Dudley and rest of the West Midlands will ensure they are well looked after. From a sitting service for a few hours in the day to 24-hour live in care we offer the top level of support to ensure complete peace of mind from the moment you leave until the moment you return.

“Secure Healthcare and the team have a real understanding of the needs and pressures faced by those working in mental healthcare.”
R. Bennett, Hospital Director