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Care workers who work with Secure Healthcare Solutions support individuals with their skills to encourage communication and interactions, whether that’s an in-home care setting, community setting nursing home, or private hospital setting, we encourage communication and interaction to make your job easier.

Caring, Supportive, Observant, Resilient, Respectful


Having a caring intuition is so important when working as a healthcare professional. You are the person who the service user will often see when they’re at their best and their worst. Compassion and care towards the individual you are providing a service of care to are important they are in your hands, and it’ll make the individual feel more comfortable.


The service users that Secure Healthcare support goes through a difficult time, and being supportive of them ensures their dignity is uplifted. As healthcare professionals, we should remember to ask if the service user or the individual you are providing a service of care to is in need of any support.


As a healthcare professional being observant is an important quality to have. If you are supporting an individual or service user with care and respect whether it’s in a community, private hospital, NHS, Nursing home, or in-home care setting, you should be able to notice signs that need to be raised to your attention. An important factor as the right support at the right time can make a massive difference to individuals.

qualities of care workers


Being a healthcare professional resilience is the ability to recover from difficulties, working in the care sector is not an easy job so being able to show resilience is an important quality to show to never give up. The service users and the individuals you are providing a service of care to will know that you are confident in what you are doing.


Individuals should be given dignity and respect. When providing a service of care, it is always good to show politeness and ask for their consent or if they need any privacy. Knocking on the door when entering the room and closing curtains and doors when needing to use the shower. Especially if you are working in an in-home care setting you are in the service users’ home, best practice is to respect their living space.

As a care worker, it is inevitable that you’ll have your good days and your not-so-good days. But it’s the triumphs of the healthcare professional that helps you get through your day. But to know as a care worker you are appreciated and here at Secure Healthcare, we thank you for supporting the hard work you do.

If you are interested in looking to become a care worker here with us at Secure Healthcare, get in contact with us today!

Click the link below to see the opportunities we have or give us a call:


0121 285 9449

Secure Healthcare Solutions encourages a Healthy lifestyle for our field staff to keep their well-being up. Here are 5 tips on how to stay healthy:

  • Wash your hands often

Washing your hands with soap and water is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of illness. Our care workers who work with Secure Healthcare Solutions are out in the field and we take pride in our quality of care, and we provide full PPE for all field staff as we hold an open-door policy so our staff can come in to ensure they are all stocked up with their PPE to ensure health and safety and spreading of any germs and illnesses are minimalized.

  • Getting Enough Sleep

Having an adequate amount of sleep is a major key to staying healthy for care workers and nurses. There are many benefits of getting enough sleep such as being able to think more clearly. As a Care worker or a nurse, this is vital as you are providing a service of care. Getting more sleep is healthy as it also reduces stress and puts you in a better mood. This has benefits as you will be face to face with clients and service users.

  • Avoiding harmful use of Alcohol

Not having a harmful amount of alcohol is a major benefit for staying healthy not just for care workers and nurses but for everyone in general. Drinking a harmful amount of alcohol has risks for weight gain, and it can interfere with memory and learning, which is a major key for care workers and nurses, keeping your mind clear so you are aware of what goes on in the shift and what you have done for night handovers and day handovers is key for either the carer or nurse who takes you off shift. Harmful alcohol intake can also lead to liver diseases and other severe chronic diseases. So, monitoring your intake of alcohol is a key tip for staying healthy for care workers and nurses.

friendly young nurse talking to senior patient
  • Being Active

Being more active is a brilliant way to keep healthy, this isn’t just for Care workers and nurses but everyone overall. Making physical activity part of your daily routine can be a good way to keep fit and healthy, taking walks during your break. Cycling to work will be another benefit for staying healthy. Physical activity will keep you active and especially when you are on your feet providing a service of care being a care worker and nurse, it’ll give you more energy and be proactive.

  • Eating a Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy balanced diet is key to staying healthy, basing your meals on high fiber and starchy carbohydrates will give you a sufficient amount of energy for daily activities especially working in care, you’ll need the right amount of fuel for your shift if its in nursing homes, community care or even working in the NHS. Eating a lot of fruit and veg can give you an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals, and they are high in the fiber itself. Fruit and veg have a wide range of boosting health antioxidants. Eating a balanced diet of fruit and vegetables can minimalize a person’s risk of getting and developing heart disease, cancer, inflammation, and diabetes. Cutting down Saturated fats and sugar is also another tip for a healthy balanced diet. Being a care worker or nurse means that you’ll be on the go 24/7 depending on your shit pattern so having a healthy mindset and a healthy body it’ll keep you going for your long hours. Water intake is key for staying healthy as we know our bodies are made up of 60% water more than half. Drinking plenty of water has many benefits such as relieving and preventing headaches. Drinking 2 liters of water a day is a good key to staying healthy.

Secure Healthcare Solutions have many positions available for Care Workers and Nurses

To have a look follow the link below for more information: