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We are celebrating nutrition and hydration week to highlight the importance of nutrition and hydration within the healthcare sector.

Nutrition and hydration are very important, particularly for the older generation. Not consuming enough food and not being hydrated can cause fragile skin and bones, dizziness, headaches and feel weak, increased risk of infections, falls, kidney problems, and many other problems.

It essential that we provide our patients a nutritious well-balanced diet and ensure our patients are hydrated on a consistent basis, our healthcare staff ensures our patients healthy and energized.

Secure healthcare work closely with chefs at care/nursing homes and home care patients to assist and support to ensure individuals receive nutritious tasty meals and make sure our patients are hydrated.

It is important to have a well-balanced diet that is nutritious and that you remain hydrated, as your long term health is likely to be impacted if you are not doing this, whether that is if you are not eating enough or if you are eating fatty foods such as pizza, cheese, fast food meals, etc. Having a well-balanced nutritious diet and staying hydrated will ensure you are energized throughout the day and you will be much healthier.

The British Nutrition Foundation highlights that one-third of our diet should be made up of fruit and vegetables. A portion of fruit and vegetables is 80grams and it is important to have 5 portions to contribute towards your 5-a-day.

Fruit and vegetables are important to contribute towards your vitamins and minerals, to ensure a healthy well-balanced diet, and reduce nutritional deficiencies. Fruit can be a good way to start your day, eating a banana full of, high in sugar and fiber will give you great morning energy, also it vital to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables throughout the day to ensure you have a nutritious diet.

High fiber fruit and vegetables are good for the digestive system, to remove waste more efficiently. Eating a diet with fiber can reduce blood cholesterol levels, prevent heart disease, bowel cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

Click here to find out more about different fruit and vegetables nutritious information

Nutrition and Hydration Week Awareness


Is it essential that you have a diet that has your daily protein intake to fuel your energy and to help you repair your body cells and make new ones? For adults it is recommended to take an average of 0.8g of protein per kilogram body weight per day, for example, if you weigh 75kg, you would need 60grams of protein per day. If you work out having 20-30grams of extra protein after workout out is important, to repair your muscles.

Some high protein foods per (100g) include: Chicken breast (28g), Salmon (20g), Cheese (25g), Red lentils (7.6g), Chickpeas (8.4g), Oatmeal (11.2g), Almonds (21.1g)

Hydrate your body

Ensure that your drink enough water throughout the day to make sure you are hydrated. Hot drinks often tend to cause dehydration, therefore it is important that you drink water throughout the day. In the UK it is recommended that adults have 1600ml of fluid (women) and 2000ml of fluid (men), approximately 6-8 glasses a day. For those that do not drink enough, you will feel dehydrated, you will become thirsty, urine will become darker in colour, and will notice a stronger smell, you may also experience headaches, feeling dizzy and tired, and finding it difficult to concentrate.

Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins required throughout the year for the human body to feel energized throughout the year. This vitamin relies on a large amount of exposure to sunlight and is known as the sunshine vitamin. The limited sunshine in the UK results in a lot of the UK being deficient in vitamin D, particularly during the winter months, also the BAME community is at increased risk of lower levels of vitamin D, as darker skin absorbs far less vitamin D than lighter skin.

The main factors likely to increase being affected by Vitamin D deficiency include:

Living in a country where there is a limited amount of sun exposure all year round
Having darker skin, less likely to absorb vitamin D
Spending a lot of time indoors
Lacking a diet rich in vitamin D foods
Being Obese

Approximately 1 in 5 people have low vitamin D in the UK. There have been several studies reported that those who lack vitamin D are more likely to experience more severe Covid 19 symptoms. Studies carried out indicate that individuals lacking vitamin D are more likely to die with Covid 19. It is particularly important for individuals low in Vitamin D to take vitamin supplements and eat foods rich in vitamin D.

Symptoms of low Vitamin D

Bone and muscle pain
Fatigue and tiredness
Hair Loss
Reoccurring bacterial and viral infections
Feeling depressed and mood changes

Vitamin D
Vitamin D

What to do if you feel you have Vitamin D deficiency?

If you are experiencing the symptoms mentioned above and you feel you have a vitamin D deficiency, we strongly encourage you to speak with your doctor to arrange a blood test to check your vitamin D levels.

The NHS recommends adults take a vitamin supplement throughout the year. The recommended dosage is 400 IU (10ug per day), as it not possible to achieve sufficient levels of vitamin D through a diet alone. If your vitamin D level is very low, your doctor is likely to write you a stronger dose of vitamin D.

Fair-skinned people should spend 15-20 minutes per day in the sun, particularly in the spring and summer, to avoid vitamin D deficiency all year, during the winter period vitamin D will from coming from your diet and vitamin D supplements.

Darker-skinned people’s exposure to sunlight should be 20-40 minutes due to being unable to absorb sunlight as effectively as lighter skin colors.
Food which contains vitamin D includes:

Oily fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, and trout

Red meat
Cod liver oil
Orange Juice
Egg Yolks
Fortified cereals, dairy, and milk

vitamin D
vitamin D

Secure Healthcare Solutions recommends to find out more about vitamin D deficiency, visit the NHS using the link below.

Unfortunately, going through chemotherapy is not the nicest of experiences. The harsh reality is that Chemotherapy does bring with is a variety of side effects that can’t be avoided. When going through the treatment you may feel fatigued which has the knock-on effect of a reduced appetite. It is important that you still eat and that you look after your diet, eating healthily to keep your body as strong as possible. Try to eat slowly, eating smaller portions but more often and opt for foods that are easier on your stomach, reducing fatty or spicy food. Your cancer care assistant can also advise you on this.

In order to help you during your chemotherapy treatment, below we have put together some food ideas for someone on chemotherapy.


Eggs are a great source of protein and good fat. They are full of positive nutrients and help combat fatigue as well as fill you up. During Chemotherapy, it is especially important to look after your body. Eggs will help with maintaining muscle mass and are a good source of omega-3.

Whether you like scrambled eggs, poached eggs or hard-boiled eggs, there are many ways to include egg within your diet. Just make sure they are cooked properly to help reduce the chances of them disagreeing with your stomach.

food ideas for cancer care


For a blast of nutrients, look no further than a smoothie. Smoothies are great as you can add whatever you would like into them, switching up the flavour profile dependant on your symptoms or taste. If you experiencing any inability to chew or swallow, smoothies are soft on the throat and are great for enhancing your immunity and aiding digestion.

You can easily make your own smoothies, so make sure you buy all your favourite fruits and whizz up a smoothie that you can look forward to. Plus, if you need to get more vegetables into your diet, then a smoothie is a great way to achieve this. Your cancer care assistant can help to prepare these smoothies for you.


It is always recommended to eat fish within your diet due to the many health benefits it brings. If you are going through chemotherapy, try and aim for at least two fish dishes a week.

Fish is full of essential nutrients that will help your body. It provides you with omega-3 fatty acids and is full of protein to help your muscles. Fish also help with other areas of your body including brain health, your liver and your sleep (which is especially important when going through chemotherapy)

With a little research, you’ll find there are a whole plethora of fish recipes that you can follow which are easy to cook and digest when going through chemotherapy.

Protein-Rich Snacks

When going through chemotherapy you may feel particularly tired, low on energy at some points and a loss of appetite. It is important that you still try to eat something when you are feeling this way, which is why it’s important to have some snacks nearby when you feel like eating something small.

There are so many different snack ideas that you can consider when going through chemotherapy, below are just a few:

  • Fruit – this can be frozen, canned or dried
  • Cheese and crackers
  • Healthy soup
  • Yoghurts or ice-cream
  • Almonds and other nuts
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Celery with peanut butter or cream cheese

If you or your loved one is going through chemotherapy and needs some additional cancer care services, we are here to help. We have a range of cancer care nurses and assistants that can help you. Find out more here.

If you are looking for cancer care jobs near you, we also have a number on offer. Find out more.

If you are struggling to do the things you usually do at home, then it could be that you need home care services to come and help you out. Whether this is getting out of bed, cooking or cleaning, you might find that you are having trouble. Luckily our home care services are on hand to help with this. If you find yourself asking the question of “Do I need a home carer?” Then the chances are that you probably do. The good thing about a home carer is that they aren’t a one size fits all package. They will come and speak to you about your individual needs and can help out with as much or as little as you require. Here are some ways that a home carer can help you to put your mind at rest if you are wondering how much you need one.

If you can no longer do simple household tasks

There are many reasons that you might no longer be able to do simple households tasks like you used to. It could be that you are not very well or just that you have become frailer with age. No matter the reason, a home carer can come and aid you with everything from light cleaning to preparing your meals, doing your shopping and picking up your prescriptions from the pharmacy. They are on hand to help with anything you might need and can come up with a plan that is personally tailored to you and your requirements. Before starting, they will discuss with you what you might require and come up with a plan. This can then be tweaked as and when is necessary.

If you have recently come back from the hospital

A home carer can help you if you have recently been to the hospital and are bed-bound. It might be that you went in for surgery or for an illness and that you are well enough to be discharged, but still not quite back to your old self. A carer can come and continue looking after you at home, giving you both mental and physical support to aid with your recovery. They can also help with things such as changing catheter bags and picking up your prescriptions and sorting your medicine.

do I need a home carer
Photo by CDC on Unsplash

If you are suffering from an illness or condition that you require assistance to manage

If you have a condition or get diagnosed with something such as dementia or cancer, it could be that you need care at home to help with this. Home carers are well trained in a myriad of conditions. They can help you with managing these while also retaining independence and being able to stay in your own home. Home carers can pick up and administer your medication, do tasks around the home and liaise with your doctor to ensure that you are getting the care you need.

If your family are often worried about you or care for you themselves and are finding it too much

If your family has been caring for you for a while, it might reach a point where this is no longer feasible. This could be because they are finding it too intense. Or because they have work or other family commitments that they need to try and attend to as well. If this is the case, a home carer can help to take that responsibility off their hands. This leaves them to visit you in a friendly capacity rather than just to take care of you. Being a carer can be intense for a family member and therefore home carers are a good idea to take this stress away and offer some reprieve. This can be on a permanent or temporary basis. For example, you might only need a carer while your family member is on holiday.

These are just a few reasons that might show that you need a home carer. If you are looking for a home carer near you or want some domiciliary care assistance, please get in touch with us today. We have a range of care at home options to suit your needs.

If you are looking for a home care assistant job, please check out the many vacancies we have. We offer home care services in a variety of locations.

Dysphagia is a condition that means it is hard to swallow food or liquid. Not only is this distressing in itself, but if the person it is impacting is not eating it can lead to serious problems such as malnutrition, pneumonia or dehydration. This is why it is so important to try and assist with this as soon as possible. Some of the main conditions which could lead to dysphagia include Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, a stroke, head injury and cancer, particularly cancer of the oesophagus. Often, medical conditions such as the above, can cause the nerves or muscles in the throat to become weak or not work properly, making it difficult to swallow food and drink.

What are the symptoms of dysphagia?

If you have dysphagia you could have difficulty swallowing certain liquids or foods, cough or choke when drinking or eating, bring food back up and be unable to chew food properly.

What does a nutritious diet include?

A nutritious diet will keep the body and mind healthy, strong and in the best state possible. A nutritious diet should consist of the following:
Carbohydrates – Found in foods like pasta, bread, cereals and rice

Healthy fats – Healthy fats are present in dairy, butter and oil
Protein – Protein can be found in pulses, nuts, meat, eggs and fish
Vitamins and minerals – Different vitamins and minerals are found in different foods. For example, Vitamin C is present in citrus fruits, Iron in meat, poultry and beans and Vitamin A in vegetables such as carrots and kale.
Fluids – Water is best for the body to keep you hydrated

Top Tips for those with difficulty swallowing dysphagiaHow to help someone with dysphagia swallow their food and drink

There are a number of different tips and methods for people with dysphagia and it is a good idea to try different techniques and see what works best for the individual. These are just a few things you can try to help your loved one.

  • Encourage them to sit upright, relax and take their time with chewing small, manageable pieces of food
  • Have more frequent, smaller meals and snacks rather than three large meals in a day
  • Eat soft foods that are easy on the throat, such as soup or yoghurt
  • Mash up food that is not naturally soft, or finely chop it so it is easy to manage. This can include meat, vegetables and fruit
  • Cook food until it becomes tender. This includes cooking rice or vegetables for longer to ensure they are soft and easier to swallow
  • Make smoothies or shakes. Instead of trying to help them to eat an apple or banana, why not put them together in a blender and make them into a smoothie? You can add milk to make it easier to swallow. You could also add in some protein powder to ensure they are getting enough protein for their body
  • Use plenty of gravy and sauce to help food go down easier
  • Avoid foods that are too salty, dry, sticky or have pips in as these can all be difficult to swallow
  • Take small sips of water or another drink between mouthfuls. Make sure these are small sips. If not, you might get full of water

How to decide what to make
There are also a host of recipe books out there which are specifically designed for dysphagia and if you need help with swallowing. No matter if you are suffering from swallowing and need help with Parkinson’s care, Multiple Sclerosis Care, Stroke Care, head injury care and cancer care, there are some great resources to help. You could also try looking on Pinterest. Speak to the individual who is impacted and ask what foods they fancy. You can then put together a plan and some recipes based on this.

Remember that each individual is different and that some techniques might work better than others. Communicate with the individual and see what they feel comfortable with trying.

If you have someone coming in to help with the care of your loved one with Parkinsons, Multiple Sclerosis, a stroke, head injury, cancer or anything else that can cause dysphagia, be sure to voice any questions you might have. We have a range of home care health professionals who can help. Find out more about how we can help with Parkinson’s care, Multiple Sclerosis Care, Stroke Care, head injury care and cancer care as well as our other services here.