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Dementia care homes play a crucial role in supporting individuals with dementia. These homes offer specialised care tailored to the unique needs of those living with dementia. In the UK, finding the right dementia care home can make a significant difference in the quality of life for both patients and their families. Secure Healthcare Solutions provides expert services in dementia care, particularly in Wolverhampton and across the UK.

In this blog, we’ll explore what dementia is, why dementia care homes are essential, and how Secure Healthcare Solutions supports dementia care in the UK.

Understanding Dementia

Dementia is a broad term for a range of conditions affecting the brain. It leads to memory loss, difficulty thinking, and changes in behaviour. The most common type of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, but other types include vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, and frontotemporal dementia. Each type affects the brain differently, leading to various symptoms and progression rates. Understanding the specific type of dementia is crucial for providing the right care and support.

Symptoms and Progression

Dementia symptoms vary depending on the type and stage. Early symptoms often include short-term memory loss, difficulty finding words, and changes in mood or behaviour. As the condition progresses, individuals may experience confusion, disorientation, and significant memory loss. They might struggle with daily tasks like dressing, eating, or managing finances. Advanced stages of dementia can lead to severe cognitive decline and physical symptoms, such as difficulty walking or swallowing.

Why Dementia Care Homes Are Essential?

Dementia care homes are crucial for providing specialised support to individuals with dementia. These homes are designed to meet the unique needs of dementia patients, offering a safe and structured environment. They have trained staff who understand the complexities of dementia and can provide round-the-clock care. This ensures that residents receive the necessary medical attention and support with daily activities, which can be challenging for families to manage at home.

Additionally, dementia care homes offer social and therapeutic activities that help stimulate cognitive function and improve the quality of life for residents. These activities are tailored to the abilities and interests of individuals, promoting engagement and reducing feelings of isolation. For families, knowing their loved ones are in a safe and supportive environment provides peace of mind. Secure Healthcare Solutions excels in offering top-notch dementia care in Wolverhampton and across the UK, ensuring patients receive the best possible care.

How Secure Healthcare Solutions Provides Dementia Care

Secure Healthcare Solutions offers comprehensive dementia care services designed to meet the unique needs of individuals with dementia. Their approach ensures safety, support, and quality of life for both patients and their families.

Ensuring Safety and Familiar Surroundings

Safety is a top priority at Secure Healthcare Solutions. They ensure that dementia patients stay in safe, familiar surroundings, whether at home or in a specialised care facility. This familiarity helps reduce confusion and anxiety, promoting a sense of security. Their care environments are designed to prevent accidents and provide easy navigation, which is essential for those with memory issues and cognitive impairments. By creating a safe and supportive space, they help maintain the dignity and comfort of their patients.

Building Confidence and Encouraging Everyday Tasks

Secure Healthcare Solutions focuses on building confidence and encouraging dementia patients to engage in everyday tasks. This approach helps maintain their independence and boosts self-esteem. Caregivers provide gentle encouragement and assistance with activities such as dressing, grooming, and eating. By involving patients in these tasks, they promote a sense of accomplishment and normalcy. This not only improves their quality of life but also helps slow the progression of dementia by keeping them active and engaged.

Providing Nutritious Meals and Encouraging a Healthy Diet

Proper nutrition is vital for dementia patients. Secure Healthcare Solutions ensures that their clients receive balanced, nutritious meals that cater to their specific dietary needs.

Caregivers prepare meals that are not only healthy but also appealing and easy to consume. They also monitor dietary intake to ensure that patients are getting the necessary nutrients to support their overall health and well-being. Encouraging a healthy diet helps manage symptoms and can improve cognitive function, energy levels, and mood.

Stimulating Activities and Social Interaction

Engagement in stimulating activities and social interaction is crucial for dementia care. Secure Healthcare Solutions offers a range of activities tailored to the interests and abilities of their patients. These activities include puzzles, music therapy, and group exercises, which help stimulate cognitive function and provide enjoyment. Social interaction is also encouraged through group activities and family visits, reducing feelings of isolation and promoting a sense of community. These efforts help enhance the emotional and mental well-being of dementia patients.

Bespoke Care Plans and Dedicated Management

Each dementia patient has unique needs, which is why Secure Healthcare Solutions creates bespoke care plans tailored to individual requirements. These care plans are developed in collaboration with healthcare professionals, patients, and their families. A dedicated care manager oversees each plan, ensuring that all aspects of care are addressed and adjusted as needed. This personalised approach ensures that patients receive the highest quality of care tailored to their specific needs and preferences, enhancing their quality of life.


Dementia care homes are essential for providing the specialised support and care that individuals with dementia need. Secure Healthcare Solutions excels in offering high-quality dementia care across the UK, particularly in Wolverhampton. Their comprehensive services, from ensuring safety and familiarity to providing nutritious meals and engaging activities, ensure that dementia patients receive the best possible care.

Choosing the right dementia care home is crucial for the well-being of both patients and their families. Secure Healthcare Solutions’ commitment to tailored care plans and continuous support makes them a trusted choice for dementia care UK. If you’re seeking expert dementia care in Wolverhampton or across the UK, Secure Healthcare Solutions is here to help.

Secure Healthcare Solutions stands at the forefront of providing comprehensive and tailored care services, particularly in the realm of complex and specialist care. This dynamic company has established itself as a beacon of hope and support for individuals grappling with intricate health challenges. By offering a wide spectrum of services, they cater to various needs ranging from dementia care to complex care nursing, ensuring that every client receives the utmost attention and personalised treatment.

In this blog, we will delve into the specifics of Secure Healthcare Solutions’ offerings, exploring how they navigate the intricacies of complex care and make a tangible difference in the lives of those they serve.

Exploring Complex and Specialist Care Services

Secure Healthcare Solutions offers a comprehensive range of services to address the diverse and complex healthcare needs of their clients. Their approach is marked by a deep understanding of the unique challenges involved in complex care and a commitment to delivering personalised and high-quality services.

Range of Services Offered

The company’s offerings encompass a wide array of services tailored to meet the needs of those requiring complex care. This includes specialised support for conditions such as dementia, spinal cord injuries, and other chronic health issues. Their services are designed to cater to the multifaceted nature of these conditions, ensuring a holistic approach to care.

Tailoring Care to Individual Needs

At the core of Secure Healthcare Solutions’ ethos is the customization of care to individual needs. They recognize that each patient has a unique set of requirements and circumstances. Their team of experts works closely with clients and their families to develop care plans that are not only medically sound but also attuned to the personal needs and preferences of the individual.

Geographical Reach and Accessibility

Secure Healthcare Solutions is committed to making their services accessible to a broad audience. They have established a strong presence in various locations, ensuring that more people can access their specialised care services. This geographical reach is crucial in providing necessary care to those who may otherwise have limited access to such specialised services.

Understanding Specific Care Types

Secure Healthcare Solutions offers a variety of specialised care services, each tailored to meet the specific needs of individuals with complex health conditions. Their expertise covers a range of care types, ensuring comprehensive and compassionate support.

Care for Neurological Disorders

Secure Healthcare Solutions provides exceptional care for neurological disorders, understanding the unique challenges these conditions pose. Their services are tailored to manage symptoms and improve the quality of life for patients. The care team focuses on a holistic approach, addressing physical, emotional, and cognitive aspects. This comprehensive care is crucial for conditions like Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease, where specialised attention can significantly impact the patient’s well-being.

Support for Spinal Cord and Acquired Brain Injuries

The care for spinal cord and acquired brain injuries at Secure Healthcare Solutions is characterised by a patient-centric approach. Understanding the profound impact of these injuries, their services focus on rehabilitation and enhancing independence. The care includes physical therapy, cognitive rehabilitation, and emotional support, essential for helping individuals adapt to new challenges and regain as much functionality as possible.

Managing Chronic Conditions like Diabetes and Dementia

Their approach to managing chronic conditions like diabetes and dementia involves a multidimensional care plan. It includes medical management, lifestyle guidance, and continual monitoring to address the evolving nature of these conditions. The goal is to provide patients with not just medical care but also support in daily living, ensuring they maintain the highest quality of life possible.

Palliative Care

Palliative care at Secure Healthcare Solutions is provided with the utmost compassion and respect for the patient’s dignity. Focused on alleviating pain and other distressing symptoms, the care extends beyond physical relief to include emotional and spiritual support. Tailored to individual needs, this service ensures that patients and their families receive comprehensive, empathetic care during life’s most challenging moments.

Additional Services

In addition to their specialised care for complex health conditions, Secure Healthcare Solutions offers a range of additional services. These services include providing tailored support for individuals with learning disabilities and mental health conditions. They also offer bespoke care for children and young people, recognizing the unique challenges faced by younger individuals with health needs. These additional services underline their commitment to comprehensive, inclusive care, catering to a wide spectrum of healthcare requirements across different age groups and health conditions.


Secure Healthcare Solutions epitomises excellence in providing complex and specialist care, catering to a diverse range of healthcare needs. Their commitment to personalised care, combined with their wide geographical reach, ensures that each individual receives the best possible support. From managing chronic conditions to offering palliative care and additional services for various age groups and health challenges, they stand as a testament to compassionate, comprehensive healthcare. Their dedication not only enhances the quality of life for their clients but also serves as a model for healthcare providers everywhere.

For families and caregivers of elderly patients with dementia, navigating the world of dementia care can be overwhelming. It is important to understand that the care and support needed for those living with dementia are unlike any other medical condition. This comprehensive guide to understanding and supporting elderly patients with dementia provides insight into the unique challenges associated with this condition and offers advice and tips on providing the best quality care.

What is Dementia, and How Does it Affect Senior Citizens?

Dementia is an umbrella term that describes various conditions affecting memory, thinking, behavior, and emotion. It predominantly affects older people and can significantly alter their quality of life.

Dementia is a condition that affects many older adults in Dudley, Walsall, Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Cannock, South Stafford, Telford and Sandwell, and other areas of the UK. It is an umbrella term used to describe symptoms of cognitive impairment, such as memory loss and difficulty with communication and problem-solving. Caring for someone with dementia can be challenging, but services are available in the local area that provides support and advice.

For seniors affected by dementia, it can be difficult to cope with the changes in memory, behavior, and communication that come with this condition. In order to care for someone living with dementia, it is important to understand how this illness affects them physically and mentally so you can best provide them with appropriate care.

When it comes to caring for those with dementia, it is essential that the right balance between independence and safety is achieved. Effective dementia care should provide the individual with autonomy where possible while keeping them safe from harm.

Caring for someone with dementia can be challenging

Caring for a loved one with dementia can be a challenging and overwhelming experience. People living with dementia have unique needs, and providing care to them can require time, patience, and emotional strength. However, while the journey of caring for someone with dementia may not always be easy, it is possible to learn how to better support the individual through resources that provide tips on how to manage difficult behaviours associated with dementia.

When caring for a person diagnosed with dementia, it is important to remember that their behaviour may sometimes be unpredictable or irrational. To ensure the best care possible for your loved one, it is essential to understand the types of symptoms associated with this condition so that you are prepared when they arise.

The following are several common symptoms that caregivers should be aware of:

The primary symptom of dementia is memory loss or impaired cognitive functions. It often presents as difficulty understanding complex information or instructions, difficulty with problem-solving tasks such as puzzles or maths problems, trouble recalling recent events or conversations, losing track of time, and misplacing items. Other signs include increased confusion in familiar settings, poor judgment, and difficulties with language skills, including writing and speaking fluently.

In addition to cognitive symptoms, changes in personality or behaviour may also appear over time. It could include becoming more difficult to manage, angry or aggressive, paranoid or suspicious.

The symptoms of dementia can be controlled by combining medication and behavioral therapy. Behavioral strategies involve helping your loved one maintain as much independence as possible.

Resources & Options Available for Families with Dementia

When it comes to dementia care, families in the Sandwell, Dudley, Telford, South Stafford, Cannock, Wolverhampton, Walsall, and Birmingham areas have a range of options available to them. Knowing what resources are out there can help those affected by dementia access the support they need. Telford, too, is home to several organizations that provide tailored care for people living with this condition.

Knowing where to start can be difficult, so it’s important to explore all the possibilities before deciding. If you are unfamiliar with the local dementia-specific services available in your area, the first step is to familiarize yourself with them. In Sandwell, Dudley, Telford, South Stafford, Cannock, Wolverhampton, Walsall, and Birmingham areas, families have access to a wealth of professionally trained staff who can provide both practical and emotional support when caring for a loved one who has dementia. It includes everything from arranging regular visits to helping make decisions about long-term care plans.

There are lots of organizations that provide information and support around dementia care. These include local charities such as Dementia UK and the Alzheimer’s Society, which have dedicated helplines available for advice on care-related issues. In addition, there are also day centres providing activities such as art classes or swimming sessions specifically designed for people living with dementia. There is even an NHS memory clinic available in Telford that offers specialist assessment if required.

Tips & Strategies to Improve Quality of Life for a Senior Living with Dementia

The quality of life for a senior living with dementia can be improved through the use of various tips and strategies. Dementia care is often challenging, but by following these tips, families, and caregivers can make a positive difference in the life of their loved ones.

Create a Supportive Environment

Creating a supportive environment for dementia care is essential to providing the best possible care and quality of life for those suffering from dementia. Dementia can be a frightening and isolating experience, but by implementing strategies that create an atmosphere of understanding and acceptance, caregivers can help make life easier for those in their care.

Establish and Maintain Routines

Establishing and maintaining routines is essential to ensure their safety, health, and overall well-being. A person with dementia needs a routine that provides structure to their day-to-day lives in order for them to maintain a sense of control. Establishing a stable schedule can reduce anxiety, confusion, and stress that may arise from changes in the environment or new activities. Creating individualised routines will help your loved one feel safe, secure, and comfortable. Regular mealtimes, recreational activities, and sleep times should be incorporated into the routine in order to provide consistency throughout the day.

Develop a Good Communication Plan

Good communication is essential for successful dementia care. A strong communication plan allows caregivers and family members to support those affected by the condition effectively. By prioritizing open dialogue and creating an environment that encourages understanding, a good communication plan can help people living with dementia remain connected with their loved ones and maintain their independence for as long as possible.

Learn to Manage Difficult Behaviours in Positive Ways

The key to successfully managing dementia-related behaviors is to redirect the focus of the person’s energy. Understanding why the behavior occurs is critical; it may stem from boredom, fearfulness, or even physical discomfort like hunger or thirst. A plan of action that includes distraction techniques and positive reinforcement works well when managing difficult behaviors. For instance, offering an activity such as reading aloud or providing an item of comfort like a favorite blanket may help distract the individual and lessen anxiety levels.

Make Time to Take Care of Yourself

When caring for a loved one with dementia, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and neglect our own well-being. But if family caregivers don’t take the time to prioritize their own physical, emotional, and mental health, they may put themselves at risk of developing serious illness or burnout.

The Benefits of Hiring Professional In-Home Caregivers for Seniors With Dementia

When seniors begin to show signs of dementia, their families may need to consider hiring professional in-home caregivers for around-the-clock care. Dementia care is an extremely important and delicate process requiring highly trained professionals who know how to handle the complexities of caring for someone with dementia.

In-home caregivers provide many benefits to seniors with dementia and their families. Professional in-home caregivers are not only able to monitor the health and safety of their clients but also provide emotional support and companionship. It can help reduce loneliness and depression while providing an increased sense of security for both parties involved. Caregivers can also assist in daily tasks such as meal preparation, medication reminders, housekeeping, transportation services, etc.


It is essential for caregivers and family members to learn about the world of dementia care in order to understand and properly support elderly patients living with this condition. There are many resources available to help people gain a better understanding of how to provide care and support, including educational courses, healthcare professionals, and state-run programs.

Challenging Behavior in healthcare is extremely upsetting for everyone. Most of the time, difficult behaviour and attitude are signs of a problem. This kind of person can’t say what they want in a clear way. It can mean that you are worried, scared, or upset. Employers like us have structures in place to safeguard our employees, carers, and clients from this, and we provide the best practices for challenging Behavior to our carers very well, so they know what to do in every situation.

But it is never okay for carers to be mistreated at work, no matter what the reason is. We offer help so that you can always reach us if you need to. We’ve put together some challenging behavior resources for care staff and carers on how to handle them in a care setting in below.

What type of challenging Behavior can you face?

Changes in behaviour include doing the same thing over and over again, hoarding, and getting physically or verbally aggressive.

It’s important to pay attention to a person with dementia’s changes in mood or behaviour and figure out what might have caused them.

Some things that might change in your behaviour or mood are:

  • Tries to hurt yourself
  • Aggression aimed at carers
  • Aggressive behaviour toward other sick people or family
  • Fear and paranoia that is very strong

These are some things you might notice about people whose actions are hard to deal with. It’s also important to point out that a patient’s behaviour can make it hard for them to do and join in with regular activities. In this situation, it’s essential to work with them to improve how they communicate with the people around them so they feel safe where they are.

Reasons why they behave like that:

Even if you can’t see the source of someone’s stress, that doesn’t mean it isn’t making them feel bad. As we’ve already said, challenging behaviour can be happened by a number of different things that cause stress. Stressors can be things that bother the senses, like lights that are too bright, noises that are too loud, temperatures that are too hot or too cold, or tags on clothes that are too tight or too loose. They can also be things that bother the body, like injuries, illnesses, or reactions to new medications, including mental health conditions, dementia or emotional trauma.

Communication is the best way to solve their issues easily:

Communication is one of the best healthcare techniques to connect with them. It lets us show how we feel and gives us the power to connect with each other. Remember that even difficult behaviours are a way of talking. They mean, “I’m not happy, comfortable, healthy, or safe.”. They can’t talk to anyone about their situations and current conditions. So, if you want to communicate well in an emotionally charged situation, it’s best to avoid harsh words like “Don’t” and “Stop!” because the person may not be able to stop what they’re doing, both physically and emotionally, and this could make the situation worse. If the issue is with how people talk to each other, it can make the patient angry and cause them to act up. If the patient sees that what they do leads to what they want, they will eventually do it again and again.

Instead, be clear about how you feel. For example, you could say, “I know you’re upset, but when you do share with me, I feel worried.” You could also say, “If you could please do that thing, it would help me a lot.”

Now, we’ll learn about some challenging behavior resources which will be offered to you for the best healthcare support for patients:

Cerebral palsy management

People who need Cerebral palsy care are also needed kinds of care and help. For example, problems with bones and joints can get worse, which can make it hard to move. It’s important to keep seeing your care team for regular checkups for the rest of your life. Many people with cerebral palsy also have trouble seeing, hearing and feeling.

Dementia Management

The most important parts for people who need dementia care are based on the following priorities:

  1. A safe place to live and protection from harm and injury.
  2. The ability to take care of basic needs on their own.
  3. Learning and starting to learn memories, roles, and skills d. Getting enough food and taking care of health, e. Changing the way people act (agitated, restless clients)

Patient Behavior Management

Patient Support Programs (PSPs) are an umbrella term for the projects that drug companies run to make prescription drugs easier to get, use, and stick to. Healthcare professionals (HCPs) who understand patient behaviour and behavioural models and frameworks can make better patient support programmes that meet their patient’s needs. HCPs can empathise with their patients and talk to them better when they know how their illness affects them physically and mentally, as well as how they act when they are sick.

If you understand how a patient acts and use that knowledge, you can get the patient to stick to the treatment plan, which can lead to effective and effective treatment. Models and frameworks of patient behaviour can be used to make changes to the treatment plan that will help the patient stick to it. Pharmaceuticals can make better treatment systems that meet patients’ needs better and let them take better care of themselves. The service connects people who need help with state and local agencies on ageing and community-based organisations that help older people and the people who care for them.

Mental Health Management

Teams of Mental healthcare experts with great healthcare strategies expertise work together to give patients the best medical support. Our goal is to give each patient the healthcare support which you need. We have many different kinds of patient support programs that are made to fulfil every patient where they would be.

Our Mental Health Management offers workshops that are fun and informative and help and empower the people who attend them.

Learning disability management

A neurological condition called a learning disability affects how the brain sends, receives, and processes information. Children with learning disabilities might find it hard to read, write, speak, listen, understand math concepts, and understand things in general. Some examples of learning disabilities are dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia. Each kind of disorder can happen at the same time.

A child who’s had trouble learning needs as much extra help as he or she can get. It’s important to understand a child or where he or she is having trouble. Depending on where the child is having trouble, teachers and specialists can help the child in a good way.

We find out what the children are good at and help them to use those skills. For example, if indeed the child is a good student, the best way to help them learn would be to teach them or help them research with the help of visual cues.


As a carer for a parent, partner, or young person with special needs, you may also need information about ageing and community-based organisations that help older people and their carers. Our Caregivers are like family members who help older people, people with disabilities, or people with long-term health conditions in their communities without getting paid. As caregiver support, you will have to help with things like getting dressed and taking care of medicines. They often help care recipients feel better emotionally and give them company.

What to do if you face Challenging behaviour?

  • Stop for a moment and breathe deeply.
  • Try to stay calm. This is an essential point to do. Some behaviours are very disturbing or upsetting to see, and the person you have been caring for will also find these behaviours upsetting.
  • Speak clearly and slowly, and tell them what you plan to do to help.
  • Figure out what’s going on. Remember, don’t put yourself in danger.
  • Respect and dignity are always the best treatment for patients. They may not be able to stop what they’re doing at that moment, for example, if they are too busy.
  • Don’t rush the person. Move and act calmly. For example, whether they are stressed out or getting angry, don’t go up to them. Instead, sleep in the same room or a safe distance away and try to talk to them calmly.

Why is this important?

Basically, Home Care, respect, dignity, and compassion are some of our most important values. We think that our skilled carers of challenging behavior management seem to be our biggest asset. Being a great care provider means knowing how to take care of clients even when things are hard.


Healthcare staff have a duty to take perfect steps to prevent or lessen any harm that could come from an employee’s bad behaviour. This means setting up a way to communicate in an emergency and a structure and set of rules for how to handle such situations.

Staff members are expected to follow best practices for challenging Behavior about how to deal with bad behaviour and keep themselves and others healthy and safe.

Here at Secure Healthcare Solutions, we are aware that, Dementia care is a growing challenge, and the number of individuals with dementia continues to increase as the population ages and people live for longer. It is has become one of the most important health and care issues faced in the UK.

Dementia is a range of conditions which cause damage to the brain. Damage can affect your memory, thinking, behaviour and the ability to perform everyday tasks. Generally, dementia mainly affects the older generation. In the UK, there is around 850,000 people with dementia in the UK, this is projected to increase to 1.6 million by 2040.

209,600 will develop dementia this year, that is one every three minutes.

1 in 6 people have dementia over the age of 80.

With dementia, individuals will be affected in different ways, depending on the impact of the disease.

There are three different stages with Dementia.

Early stage – gradually develops over time and is often ignored, as it is gradual.
Symptoms include:

  • Forgetfulness
  • Losing track of time
  • Getting confused in familiar places

Middle stage – When dementia progresses to the middle stage, the signs and symptoms become clear to recognise.

Symptoms include:

  • Forgetting recent activities and individual’s names
  • Getting confused at home and lost within your home
  • Struggling with communication
  • Requiring support with personal care
  • Behaviour changes such as wandering, repeated questioning and repeating activities

Late stage – The late stage of dementia is much more serious and requires a lot more dependence for care and support.

Symptoms include:

  • Individuals being unaware of the time and place
  • Difficulty recognising friends and family members
  • Increased need for care and support to get around the house
  • Difficulty walking
  • Behaviour changes that can include aggression and anger outbursts

Find out more about Dementia by clicking here

Dementia care
Senior man is sitting alone at the dining table in his home, with a worried expression on his face.

We understand that looking after a loved one with dementia can be difficult, alongside other commitments, we know that family and friends want to remain close to their loved ones, which is why we provide dementia care within a home care setting. Whether you require personal home care for your loved ones for a few hours or for large periods of time, we are here to provide care and support. Our case managers work closely with our healthcare team to devise a care plans to accommodate individual client needs. We provide mental support, care and nutrition support, we are here to help. We have a specialist team of Nurses and Carers on call that deal with dementia care across the West Midlands and Staffordshire.

In summary how we can help

  • We will ensure your loved ones stay safe at home in their own family surroundings
  • We will help them build confidence and encourage them to try everyday tasks
  • We can ensure that individuals are eating nutritious meals to encourage a healthy diet
  • Regularly engage and stimulating individuals with activities to encourage brain activity
  • Supporting loved one’s families to reassure them that they are in the best possible hands
  • Creating and managing bespoke plans tailored to individual needs. Whether you require us to be visit many times a day or a live-in carer to be there all the time, we are here to help.
  • A dedicated care manager, who will be the point of contact for any queries or concerns you may have
  • Dedicated specialist team, with professional training and experience
  • 24hr on-call support
  • Monitoring and managing care plans to ensure the best quality care is provided

If your loved ones require dementia care and support within a home care environment, contact us on 01902 302017 or click here to find out more about dementia care.

There is over 40 million people that have received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine in the UK. Approximately 27 million people have received both doses to provide maximum protection and here at Secure Healthcare Solutions we highly encourage individuals to come forward to be vaccinated to help protect against the threat of the new variants.

Public Health England outlines that 2 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are highly effective against the (Delta) variant, identified in India. This reduces the risk of hospitalisation and death, which prevents the NHS hospitals being overwhelmed and to prevent another lockdown occurring in the UK.

PHE research carried out shows that individuals that received a single dose of Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine have an 80% lower risk of death, and the second dose provides 85 to 90% protection against COVID-19. Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine provides 80% protection after one dose and 97% after 2 doses.

The UK is one of the leading nations to have vaccinated the population. Over 60% of the population has been vaccinated.
Click here to find out more about the COVID 19 vaccine.

Secure Healthcare Solutions is in the healthcare industry and is a healthcare staffing agency providing quality care and support to service users within care homes, hospitals and for homecare. Our staff members get priority to receive the COVID 19 vaccine and our patients that we care and provide support for have had the priority to receive the COVID 19 vaccine. As the people that we provide care for in the vulnerable category, we highly encourage individuals to take the vaccine.

We provide our service users PPE, including gloves, face masks and sanitiser. Our staff are also provided this too and appropriate PPE clothing to ensure our service users feel comfortable and safe. As a healthcare agency, safety is imperative for us when it comes to COVID 19 and we ensure that we follow all the government guidelines.

COVID 19 vaccine
COVID 19 vaccine

Our healthcare staff and patients are regularly tested for COVID 19 through rapid lateral flow home tests kits.

Here at Secure Healthcare Solutions, we understand that there is a lot of negative rumours about the vaccine, whether it is safe and the long-term side effects of the vaccine.

Who should not receive not receive the vaccine?
– Pregnant women
– Children under 16 (Moderna)
– Children under 18 (Astrazeneca/Oxford vaccine & Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine)
– History of allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) to ingredients in the vaccine, if you unsure about this, before being vaccinated, ask members of staff.

Side effects of having the COVID-19 vaccine
There are many side effects of taking the COVID 19 vaccine, that are generally mild and should not last longer than a week.
These include:
– A sore arm, where the needle has been put in
– Fatigue
– Headaches
– Body aches
– Feeling or being sick

If you have any of the symptoms above, it is recommended to take paracetamols

If you want to find out more about how we support our service users and also how we support our staff with COVID 19 to ensure safety and individuals feeling comfortable, then please feel free to call us on 0121 285 9449. We highly encourage all our staff and service users to take the COVID 19 vaccine.

The NHS faces one of the greatest challenges of delayed discharge of patients as there is no or insufficient home support to meet the daily essential needs when patients are ready to leave the hospital, resulting in patients remaining in the care of the NHS. This results to hospital beds being occupied, which becomes very costly for the NHS, also it restricts treatments for those that are more likely to need it. Healthy patients can also contract illnesses in hospitals such as flu or urinary tract infections. Delayed discharge has resulted in a difficult cycle which hospitals are finding difficult to overcome, despite all the hard work of the hospital staff and adult social services within the local authorities.

Secure healthcare is here to offer compassionate and efficient discharge services across the UK. We ensure that we take care of the patients’ discharge when the healthcare professionals at the hospital have approved for the patient to be discharged. We make sure that the patient returns safely within their home or care home and ensure they receive the support and care required after they leave the hospital.

What is Secure Healthcare Solutions Fast Track Discharge Services?
Our discharge services ensure patients return to their homes or care homes safely, reducing the amount of time spent in the hospital and avoiding necessary delays. We provide after-care when released from the hospital to ensure patients receive adequate support.

Fast Track Discharge Services
A woman with cancer is sitting in a wheelchair. She walks on the street with her daughter and they fool around. They are fun and they laugh. They walk in the courtyard of the clinic.

We can:

  • Create a post-discharge plan to suit individual patient needs.
  • Arrange to accompany a patient home from the hospital or can arrange to meet the patient on arrival at home.
  • We can provide further support to those that require it to settle back in, which could include helping with shopping for basic food and clothing essentials, ensuring the house is clean and tidy, supplying basic medicine if required. This is essential for patients that do not have much or any family support.
  • Remain overnight or stay with the individual requiring care for a few days, or providing more intensive support if required.
  • Check-in with the patient to ensure that they are receiving the sufficient care required.
  • Whether you require a nurse, healthcare care assistant, or community support worker, we are here to provide this support.
  • We operate 24/7 and our team can deal with any discharge inquiries.
  • Agree with individual, family, or care manager about the extra support required when discharged from the hospital, short term, and long-term requirements to ensure that we are providing quality care.
  • Communicate with GP’s, Nurses, and hospital professionals about the support the individual patient will require to prevent the patient from being readmitted.

The NHS provides further information about arranging care before leaving the hospital. Click here to find out more.

Secure healthcare solutions are here to support those that require discharge services across the Midlands and Staffordshire, areas including Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Stafford, Stoke, Coventry, Cheshire, Shropshire, Worcester, and much more.
Speak to us today to see how we can support patients with discharge services. Email us at homecare@securesolutions.co.uk or call us on 01902 302 017 to discuss how we can support you to provide the best possible care and support.

If you are looking for some extra care or to begin care at home, it can be a bit overwhelming. You might wonder just what different sorts of care is available. That is why we have broken down the main types and explained just what they are. You can also find more complex and specialist care services that fall under these categories too. Here are the differences in the types of home care available.

Personal Care

First in our list of types of home care is personal care. A personal carer comes in usually every day to help with a number of things. This includes getting you washed and dressed, preparing meals, and doing light chores around the house. They can also pick up your shopping for you and any medical prescriptions that you might need.

Live-In Care

Live-in care is a service where a highly trained professional will live within your property during the day or night. A live-in carer is there to support you with any needs you may have, helping to support your independence.

Respite Care

Respite Care is a service offered to allow the person looking after a loved one a break. It is able to offer support in the short term or the long term and can benefit both the carer and patient. Looking after someone unwell can be draining making respite care an important role within the healthcare profession.

Holiday Care

Going away is important for your mental health, and will allow you to recharge your batteries before returning to your everyday stresses. If you require everyday support then a holiday carer can help you with a trip away.

Home From Hospital Care

If you have gone through a major operation then it can be intimidating returning home. Home from hospital care supports you at home whilst you return to fall health. As soon as you are discharged from the hospital home from hospital care is there to help with all your medical needs as well as assisting with your daily activities, causing the least disruption.

types of home care
Photo by Georg Arthur Pflueger on Unsplash

Companionship Care

If you don’t have any relatives or friends nearby, life can get lonely. Which is where companionship care can help. Sometimes overlooked in types of home care, this is a very effective one. Loneliness can play a real toll on your mental health and can even make medical conditions worse. To combat this, why not look into companionship care? This is where a carer will come to your home to spend time with you, whether this is to chat with you or play a puzzle or a board game.

24 Hour Care

24-hour care is just what the name suggests and means that a carer will be there for you both day and night. They can help you with everything from getting you up, washed and dressed, to preparing your meals and helping you to the toilet at night.

Overnight Care

If you feel uneasy about being in your house alone overnight, then overnight care could be a good option for you. A carer will be there for you to put your mind at rest. If you need to get up for the toilet or if you have a fall, you know they will be there on hand right away to help you out.

Assisted Living

Assisted living means that a carer will live for you at all times. They are skilled aid carers that are medically trained and can provide pain management and rehabilitation therapy, plus help in the case of any emergencies arising. Assisted living will give you peace of mind and an increased sense of safety and security.

No matter the types of home care you are after, we can help you at Secure Healthcare Assistants. Get in touch with us today to find out more information.

As you get older you tend to not move around so much and your joints and muscles can weaken. Elderly people can suffer from poorer eyesight, pain when you move, and reduced coordination – all of which might be the reason that you can no longer get around as you once did. This is why it is important to partake in physiotherapy to help battle this. Physiotherapy is often thought of as something to keep athletes in shape, but the reality is that it can help anybody at any time.

It is essentially the process of improving the movement and function of your body and anyone can benefit from it. When setting up a care plan for yourself or a loved one, it is a good idea to speak to the carer about physiotherapy options and how this can be integrated with the plan at hand. Home carers can work with or liaise with physiotherapists to ensure you get the care that you need. Here are some top benefits of including physiotherapy in care plans for the elderly.

Benefits of Including Physiotherapy in Care Plans For The Elderly

What will a physiotherapist do?

– Find out about any falls at home or concerns you might have
Decide the best approach to tackle this
Work on strength and balance
– Show the patient how to do some exercises on their own to strengthen muscles at any time

How can physiotherapy in care plans for the elderly help?

It can improve mobility

When deciding care plans for the elderly, the aim needs to be on making their life as comfortable and independent as can be. By doing physiotherapy it improves your mobility and can enable you to walk around the house better, doing more things on your own.

It is a safe way to exercise

When you get older you might not be able to just pop out for a game of tennis or a job as and when you feel like it. Yet that doesn’t mean you don’t want to do some exercise – particularly if you used to be into fitness. Physiotherapy is a safe and risk-free way of getting a bit of exercise into a daily routine. You will be assigned small exercises that are within your capabilities and will be overseen by a carer or physiotherapist.

It can reduce the chances of a fall

A fall is a scary thing for both the person involved and their loved ones. One in three people over 65 have a fall each year and 10-25% suffer a serious injury from this. By partaking in physiotherapy and improving strength and balance, this helps to reduce the chances of a fall and therefore be much safer around the home.

It can aid with recovery

Home care plans for the elderly aid with recovery as soon as possible. If you have just returned from the hospital due to injury or something such as a stroke, physiotherapy can help you regain strength and mobility. Your physiotherapist will put you on a plan tailored to your needs. If you are coming out of the hospital and won’t be able to do things at home like you normally would, we can provide emergency care at home to help.

These are just a few things that a physiotherapist will do to help with home care plans for the elderly.

To find out more about our home care plans or our home care vacancies, please get in touch.

We are celebrating nutrition and hydration week to highlight the importance of nutrition and hydration within the healthcare sector.

Nutrition and hydration are very important, particularly for the older generation. Not consuming enough food and not being hydrated can cause fragile skin and bones, dizziness, headaches and feel weak, increased risk of infections, falls, kidney problems, and many other problems.

It essential that we provide our patients a nutritious well-balanced diet and ensure our patients are hydrated on a consistent basis, our healthcare staff ensures our patients healthy and energized.

Secure healthcare work closely with chefs at care/nursing homes and home care patients to assist and support to ensure individuals receive nutritious tasty meals and make sure our patients are hydrated.

It is important to have a well-balanced diet that is nutritious and that you remain hydrated, as your long term health is likely to be impacted if you are not doing this, whether that is if you are not eating enough or if you are eating fatty foods such as pizza, cheese, fast food meals, etc. Having a well-balanced nutritious diet and staying hydrated will ensure you are energized throughout the day and you will be much healthier.

The British Nutrition Foundation highlights that one-third of our diet should be made up of fruit and vegetables. A portion of fruit and vegetables is 80grams and it is important to have 5 portions to contribute towards your 5-a-day.

Fruit and vegetables are important to contribute towards your vitamins and minerals, to ensure a healthy well-balanced diet, and reduce nutritional deficiencies. Fruit can be a good way to start your day, eating a banana full of, high in sugar and fiber will give you great morning energy, also it vital to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables throughout the day to ensure you have a nutritious diet.

High fiber fruit and vegetables are good for the digestive system, to remove waste more efficiently. Eating a diet with fiber can reduce blood cholesterol levels, prevent heart disease, bowel cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

Click here to find out more about different fruit and vegetables nutritious information

Nutrition and Hydration Week Awareness


Is it essential that you have a diet that has your daily protein intake to fuel your energy and to help you repair your body cells and make new ones? For adults it is recommended to take an average of 0.8g of protein per kilogram body weight per day, for example, if you weigh 75kg, you would need 60grams of protein per day. If you work out having 20-30grams of extra protein after workout out is important, to repair your muscles.

Some high protein foods per (100g) include: Chicken breast (28g), Salmon (20g), Cheese (25g), Red lentils (7.6g), Chickpeas (8.4g), Oatmeal (11.2g), Almonds (21.1g)

Hydrate your body

Ensure that your drink enough water throughout the day to make sure you are hydrated. Hot drinks often tend to cause dehydration, therefore it is important that you drink water throughout the day. In the UK it is recommended that adults have 1600ml of fluid (women) and 2000ml of fluid (men), approximately 6-8 glasses a day. For those that do not drink enough, you will feel dehydrated, you will become thirsty, urine will become darker in colour, and will notice a stronger smell, you may also experience headaches, feeling dizzy and tired, and finding it difficult to concentrate.