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Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins required throughout the year for the human body to feel energized throughout the year. This vitamin relies on a large amount of exposure to sunlight and is known as the sunshine vitamin. The limited sunshine in the UK results in a lot of the UK being deficient in vitamin D, particularly during the winter months, also the BAME community is at increased risk of lower levels of vitamin D, as darker skin absorbs far less vitamin D than lighter skin.

The main factors likely to increase being affected by Vitamin D deficiency include:

Living in a country where there is a limited amount of sun exposure all year round
Having darker skin, less likely to absorb vitamin D
Spending a lot of time indoors
Lacking a diet rich in vitamin D foods
Being Obese

Approximately 1 in 5 people have low vitamin D in the UK. There have been several studies reported that those who lack vitamin D are more likely to experience more severe Covid 19 symptoms. Studies carried out indicate that individuals lacking vitamin D are more likely to die with Covid 19. It is particularly important for individuals low in Vitamin D to take vitamin supplements and eat foods rich in vitamin D.

Symptoms of low Vitamin D

Bone and muscle pain
Fatigue and tiredness
Hair Loss
Reoccurring bacterial and viral infections
Feeling depressed and mood changes

Vitamin D
Vitamin D

What to do if you feel you have Vitamin D deficiency?

If you are experiencing the symptoms mentioned above and you feel you have a vitamin D deficiency, we strongly encourage you to speak with your doctor to arrange a blood test to check your vitamin D levels.

The NHS recommends adults take a vitamin supplement throughout the year. The recommended dosage is 400 IU (10ug per day), as it not possible to achieve sufficient levels of vitamin D through a diet alone. If your vitamin D level is very low, your doctor is likely to write you a stronger dose of vitamin D.

Fair-skinned people should spend 15-20 minutes per day in the sun, particularly in the spring and summer, to avoid vitamin D deficiency all year, during the winter period vitamin D will from coming from your diet and vitamin D supplements.

Darker-skinned people’s exposure to sunlight should be 20-40 minutes due to being unable to absorb sunlight as effectively as lighter skin colors.
Food which contains vitamin D includes:

Oily fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, and trout

Red meat
Cod liver oil
Orange Juice
Egg Yolks
Fortified cereals, dairy, and milk

vitamin D
vitamin D

Secure Healthcare Solutions recommends to find out more about vitamin D deficiency, visit the NHS using the link below.

If a loved one has dementia it can be a difficult time for all those involved. Family members that were once kind and gentle can become prone to angry outburst and accusations – through no fault of their own. When we think of the main symptoms of dementia we tend to focus on confusion and memory loss, but the personality changes that their loved ones experience can often be some of the worst side effects that come with the condition. When a person you know completely changes the way they act to something out of character it can be a difficult thing to witness and you may be thinking about getting dementia care.

There is currently no cure for dementia, though a lot of research is ongoing. It has been found that those with dementia are more sensitive to emotional contagion which is the ability to mirror another’s feelings. This means that if they see a carer or family member upset or frustrated, they might mirror this. This combined with an inability to express how they are feeling and what they need is what likely leads to these outbursts. While these outbursts aren’t nice for anyone involved, there are a few things you can do to try and help with the anger that they might display and hone it in before it escalates. Here are some top tips for dementia care with anger.

Don’t snap back

While a natural response can be to argue when someone shouts or isn’t very nice to you, this is the worst thing to do. Instead, take a deep breath and reassure your loved one instead that everything is okay. Their reaction is likely to be a knock-off effect from the frustration of not being able to express their needs properly, so try and find other ways to decipher what these needs are.
Dementia care - helping with anger outbursts

Keep a record of their behaviour

Is there a certain time of day that they seem to get more angry or frustrated? Or is it when they are trying to do a certain task or think of something in particular? By keeping a record of it you can see what might be causing these outbursts to happen and prevent them from happening as often in the future. You could write it down in a notebook and look out for any patterns in how they react.

Adjust the environment that they are in

In dementia patients, they can be triggered by over-stimulation so try to make their space as calm and distraction-free as possible. Reduce as much noise as you can and get rid of unnecessary clutter. Put on some relaxing music and offer them a weighted blanket or something that can help them to feel soothed. You could read a book or offer them another form of distraction that should help them.

Be sure to give yourself time off

If you are a dementia carer for your loved one, it can become draining and take an impact on your mental health. That is where Secure Healthcare Solutions Dementia Care services come in. We have a range of dementia care services near you that can help ease the burden on you and give them an extra level of care too.

Remember to not take it to heart when a loved one gets angry and that they don’t mean it. Just be there for them and seek extra dementia care near you if needed. Find out more about our dementia care services and how we can help here.

If you are looking for a role as a carer or a specialist dementia carer we have a range of job roles available. You can view those here.

Unfortunately, going through chemotherapy is not the nicest of experiences. The harsh reality is that Chemotherapy does bring with is a variety of side effects that can’t be avoided. When going through the treatment you may feel fatigued which has the knock-on effect of a reduced appetite. It is important that you still eat and that you look after your diet, eating healthily to keep your body as strong as possible. Try to eat slowly, eating smaller portions but more often and opt for foods that are easier on your stomach, reducing fatty or spicy food. Your cancer care assistant can also advise you on this.

In order to help you during your chemotherapy treatment, below we have put together some food ideas for someone on chemotherapy.


Eggs are a great source of protein and good fat. They are full of positive nutrients and help combat fatigue as well as fill you up. During Chemotherapy, it is especially important to look after your body. Eggs will help with maintaining muscle mass and are a good source of omega-3.

Whether you like scrambled eggs, poached eggs or hard-boiled eggs, there are many ways to include egg within your diet. Just make sure they are cooked properly to help reduce the chances of them disagreeing with your stomach.

food ideas for cancer care


For a blast of nutrients, look no further than a smoothie. Smoothies are great as you can add whatever you would like into them, switching up the flavour profile dependant on your symptoms or taste. If you experiencing any inability to chew or swallow, smoothies are soft on the throat and are great for enhancing your immunity and aiding digestion.

You can easily make your own smoothies, so make sure you buy all your favourite fruits and whizz up a smoothie that you can look forward to. Plus, if you need to get more vegetables into your diet, then a smoothie is a great way to achieve this. Your cancer care assistant can help to prepare these smoothies for you.


It is always recommended to eat fish within your diet due to the many health benefits it brings. If you are going through chemotherapy, try and aim for at least two fish dishes a week.

Fish is full of essential nutrients that will help your body. It provides you with omega-3 fatty acids and is full of protein to help your muscles. Fish also help with other areas of your body including brain health, your liver and your sleep (which is especially important when going through chemotherapy)

With a little research, you’ll find there are a whole plethora of fish recipes that you can follow which are easy to cook and digest when going through chemotherapy.

Protein-Rich Snacks

When going through chemotherapy you may feel particularly tired, low on energy at some points and a loss of appetite. It is important that you still try to eat something when you are feeling this way, which is why it’s important to have some snacks nearby when you feel like eating something small.

There are so many different snack ideas that you can consider when going through chemotherapy, below are just a few:

  • Fruit – this can be frozen, canned or dried
  • Cheese and crackers
  • Healthy soup
  • Yoghurts or ice-cream
  • Almonds and other nuts
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Celery with peanut butter or cream cheese

If you or your loved one is going through chemotherapy and needs some additional cancer care services, we are here to help. We have a range of cancer care nurses and assistants that can help you. Find out more here.

If you are looking for cancer care jobs near you, we also have a number on offer. Find out more.

Respite care is there to help family members or caregivers when they need a break from the demands of looking after a sick or disabled family member. Whether you are looking for respite care in your own home or at a day-care centre, respite can be organised in advance or in an emergency should you really need it. The whole idea of respite is to reduce the burden you have on caregiving and to allow you a much-needed break to rest up, clear your mind before going again.

Why Is Respite So Important

You should never feel guilty when considering respite care. Caring for another person is a big job and often has an effect on your own health, social life as well as your home life. By taking a necessary break you will not only benefit from resting an coming back stronger but also reduce the stress and burden that you take on.

Below are three reasons respite care is vital:

It allows you to rest

As mentioned above, caring for another person is very full-on and requires your attention 24/7. This can be draining and cause you to burn out. And let’s face it, what sort of help will you be if you are feeling run down and exhausted? Respite care is there to give you a much-needed break. You can relax knowing that your loved one is being looked after by a professional. It allows you to have a period of time where you can focus on yourself and your wellbeing. You can spend time with your loved ones, meet up with friends and forget about your day to day stresses at home. Just like at work a break is what you need to regain your motivation. It will allow you to refocus and be on top of your game on your return.

Maintain Or Rekindle Your Hobbies And Interests

In not uncommon to hear from caregivers that they have stopped doing what they enjoy in life to look after a loved one. Respite can be a great opportunity to go out there and do the things you enjoy. Even if it’s for a few days, it can be really nice to pick up a racket and place tennis again or go to the beach and read your favourite book. As important as caregiving is, you should never forget how important your own hobbies and interests are.

why is respite care so important Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels

Go on Holiday

Forgetting about your day to day worries of caring is important for your mental health. The best way to relax is to go away for a week. You will take a break from your duties as a caregiver. Respite allows you to get away and spend time with your family on a holiday. You will rest up and come back ready to take on your duties again but with additional motivation from your break.

Respite can be good for the person you are caring for

By getting respite care, it doesn’t only benefit you. Respite can be beneficial for the person your caring for too. They will receive professional help and it can be a change of scenery for them. They will get the undivided attention of a new person with who they can interact and get to know. This can be a much-needed break for both of you, allowing you to rest up ready for your return.

There are many reasons that respite care can be extremely beneficial. If you are looking for respite care in your area, please get in touch today as we would love to help you. We have Respite Care in West Midlands, Wolverhampton and the surrounding areas that we can assist with.

When a loved one has dementia, the home can have a big impact on them and how they live their life. When someone has dementia it can be a frightening and confusing experience both for them and their loved ones. They can often experience symptoms such as confusion, memory loss and difficulty learning new things. This means that they might forget how to do things around the house. Or they might forget where things are kept. By making the house more dementia friendly, you can make this process much easier for them.

It is important to remember that not every point might apply to every person and that it is not a good idea to do everything overnight. Big changes can often make their condition worse, so you will want to do things gradually. Take a look through the list and decide what will be best for the individual. We have a range of Dementia care services in Dudley, Walsall, Birmingham, Wolverhampton and surrounding areas so are here to advise if you need any further help. As soon as you think “where can I find dementia care near me?” don’t hesitate to get in touch. Here are some top ways to make your home more dementia-friendly.

1. Ensure there is good lighting
It is important to ensure that the home is well lit. This will enable you to see clearly where you are going and if there are any potential trip hazards. Daylight and good internal lighting will help to eradicate any shadows or dark areas that can make the floor confusing. It can also help you to roughly keep track of the time of day. You can set up smart devices that will turn lights on at a certain time of day so that they automatically come on if the room is starting to get dark.

2. Eliminate any unnecessary noise
Unnecessary noise can be stressful and confusing, particularly if the individual has hearing aids. You can reduce noise by getting fabric items such as cushions, carpet and curtains. These can help to absorb sounds such as that of walking on laminate flooring. It is also a good idea to turn the radio or television off when it is not in use. For dementia care at home, this is a simple yet effective way to help.

3. Remove any potential hazards Top ways to make your home more dementia friendly
It is important to remove any potential hazards that the individual could be affected by. Remove any rugs that could be a tripping hazard, particularly those at the tops of stairs or in rooms that aren’t as well lit. It could also be a good idea to lock away any hazardous products such as those used for cleaning. People with dementia could get confused, you don’t want them to find and either consume them or get them on their skin which could cause irritation or injury.

4. Put up signs around the house
To help with dementia care at home, put signs up labelling what certain rooms are for. For example, you could put a sign up on the toilet door with the word toilet and an image of a toilet. This could help with them trying to remember what room is for what function in the home.

This will prevent them from becoming distressed at not being able to find what they are looking for. You could also put up signs for things such as the kettle or microwave and instructions on using them. Putting timers next to devices can also be a good way of helping them not forget about things such as putting the kettle on.

5. Display photos of loved ones and happy memories
Items such as photos of family members or loved ones can help with dementia care at home. It can help them to feel comforted and keep their loved ones in their mind. It is a good idea to put a photo of the recipient next to their phone number. Pin this up in case they can’t remember who to call. Make items such as puzzles, books, photographs and essential phone numbers easy to find and put them in multiple places around the home.

If you are looking for dementia care in Dudley, Walsall, Birmingham, Wolverhampton and beyond, Secure Healthcare Solutions are here to help. Our dementia care services ensure that your loved one is looked after at home. We will make them feel as relaxed and happy as possible. For more information about our dementia care at home and dementia care services, please take a look here or get in touch with us today.