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As a registered nurse or as a student nurse when working it is not a job, it is a career. Secure Healthcare Solutions believes that you learn a lot more about person-centered and holistic care. While promoting the importance of communication and building relationships which is key for being in the healthcare field.

In most places and organizations, we understand that it can be overwhelming and a struggle when you partake in as many opportunities as possible and sign off as many clinical skills as possible. As a registered nurse learning and developing person-centered care is key in all aspects of your career because being a nurse is not just a job.

Being a registered nurse, spending time with patients is hard especially if you are in the NHS sector, you constantly feel like you are on a conveyor belt to where you don’t spend time with your patient or client, so this could affect the chances of you providing person-centered care. You’ll be able to learn from patients and service users when taking time with them to provide your duties of care and gain better skills just by speaking.

While an individual Is in your care, you are all they have whether you are a Nurse or a Healthcare Assistant, you are the person they communicate to, the person they cry to. This will be a learning factor and quality you can gain which help you in your career to provide person-centered care.

It is important that learn from a patient or service user whether you are in working as a nurse in the NHS field, nursing homes, private hospitals, private trusts, or a Community Complex sector. Understanding your patient or Service user allows them to play a major role in the process of their own care. Also, it aligns with patient- and person-centered care. To make it most effective, understanding the needs of the patient and service user requires more than just instructions and information, healthcare providers need to be able to assess patient needs and communicate clearly between themselves.

registered nurse

How to manage a positive patient experience:

  • Establish a positive communication encounter
  • Develop a personal approach
  • Give meaningful feedback
  • Setting realistic goals

How can a Nurse or Healthcare Assistant build relationships with patients or service users?

Having a stable foundation of trust between the individual and the nurse can get rid of patients’ mistrust in the healthcare system, while engaging patients in their own care and improving health outcomes. Active listening as well as verbal and nonverbal communication skills will benefit the relationship between the patient and the Nurse or healthcare assistant.

If you are interested in joining the Secure Healthcare Solutions family, we have positions in:

  • Birmingham
  • Wolverhampton
  • Nottingham
  • Leeds
  • Coventry
  • Manchester
  • Worcester
  • Peterborough
  • Hereford
  • Northampton

For more information on what we have to offer, click the link below or give us a call:


0121 285 9449

The morning cup of coffee is what a lot of people look forward to when they wake up especially as Health Care Assistants working 12-hour shifts. When you still feel groggy in the morning to give you that boost through the morning a good cup of coffee will sort you out to work in either your hospitals, community sector, nursing homes, or private hospitals.

You are not alone!

In America, 80% of Americans drink coffee every day.

But do you think drinking coffee is bad for you?

The majority of people say that when drinking coffee, their heart feels weird. They may feel things such as your heart racing, heart palpitations, or an increased heart rate. Does this mean Coffee is Bad for you?

Coffee is actually full of health benefits, according to the collection of cardiology, drinking two to three cups of coffee per day is associated with maintaining a healthy heart.

Having two to three cups of coffee a day has a neutral effect, this means that it didn’t cause any harm to the health of the heart thus performing to the best of your ability as a healthcare assistant/ Nurse

Cardiovascular improvements were associated with a low risk for:

  • Developing coronary heart disease
  • Heart failure
  • Heart rhythm problems
  • Dying for any reason

If you are a one-cup-a-day coffee drinker, there’s good news for you too, the risk of getting a heart-related death and stroke is lower!

health effect coffee

“Coffee beans actually have over 100 biologically active compounds. These substances can help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, improve insulin sensitivity, boost metabolism, inhibit the guts absorption of fat, and block receptors known to be involved with abnormal heart rhythms”

Negative effects on the heart from coffee for health care assistants:

Caffeine’s effect on overall health is one of the biggest concerns when it comes to coffee. The caffeine that is in coffee is high, around 100mg per 8-ounce cup.

Caffeine increases the heart rate and blood pressure, and too much of it can cause things such as anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and stomach irritation. Also, caffeine is very addictive. Whilst being on shift as a Healthcare Assistant/ Nurse, drinking a coffee is the only thing that may keep you going as working through your hard shift or to keep you awake

Roughly, around 400mg is the maximum amount of caffeine that someone should consume in one day, which equals around 4 cups of coffee a day.

On the other hand, a lot of people do not normally consume their coffee black, this is where coffee can go from good to bad! Adding the milk or cream and sugar can significantly increase the calorie, sugar, and fat content. This can cause weight gain, diabetes, and increased blood sugar levels which again can lead to heart disease and other health problems.

When drinking coffee think about the benefits and the problems it can come with, and when adding your sweetener, try something besides sugars and creamers!

Secure Healthcare Solutions has many opportunities for Healthcare Assistants and nurses!

Click the link below:


Did you know that a heart beats around 100,000 times a day that pumps a rough amount of 2,000 gallons of blood through your body each day?

There are 7 simple steps to follow to improve your lifestyle:

  • Blood Pressure
  • Cholesterol
  • Blood Sugar/Glucose
  • Physical Activity
  • Diet
  • Smoking Status
Managing Blood Pressure:

A high blood pressure level increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. High Blood pressure is also known as hypertension, this is when your blood pressure (the force of blood flowing through your blood vessels, is consistently too high. When your blood pressure remains within the healthy range, you reduce the strain on your heart; arteries; and kidneys which keep you healthier longer. Recommended blood pressure is around 120/80 mm Hg.

Managing Cholesterol

High Cholesterol contributes to plaque which can potentially clog the arteries and lead to heart diseases and strokes. Cholesterol comes from two sources. You make all the cholesterol you need in your liver. The remainder of the cholesterol that is in the body comes mainly from foods directly sourced from animals. For example, foods such as meat, poultry, and full-fat dairy products, all contain cholesterol called dietary cholesterol.

Managing Blood Sugar

Most of the food we tend to eat is turned into Glucose (Blood Sugar) that our bodies use for energy. In due time, high levels of blood sugar can damage your heart; kidneys; Eyes, and nerves. Blood sugar levels rise as a result of diabetes. If your blood sugar is higher than 125 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). The first step to managing your blood sugar is to realize and understand what makes your blood sugar levels rise. Carbohydrates and sugars in what you eat and drink turn into glucose in the digestive system and stomach.

healthy life limited mobility

Managing Physical Activity

Maintaining healthy and keeping active is a key factor in a healthier life and a healthier heart. On average an adult should get a weekly total of at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity alternatively 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity or potentially a combination of both spread out throughout the week.

Tips for keeping physically active:
  • Strength training
  • Adding Intensity to workouts
  • Not sitting down for too long
Managing your Diet

Having a healthy diet is one of the most beneficial weapons for fighting heart disease. Eating a heart-healthy diet improves your chances of feeling good and staying healthy. Making smart choices with food and having a healthy relationship with food is one of the biggest benefits of a healthier life and heart. It is recommended that make smart choices to build an overall healthy eating lifestyle. Watching calories and eating smaller portions. Try to enjoy, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains foods limit your sweetened drinks, sodium, and processed meats, and Avoid fats and hydrogenated oils!

Managing your Smoking Status

The risk of cardiovascular disease is higher for smokers. If you smoke, quitting smoking Is the best thing you can do and one of the most beneficial ways for a healthier life and heart!

Secure Healthcare Solutions encourages a Healthy lifestyle for our field staff to keep their well-being up. Here are 5 tips on how to stay healthy:

  • Wash your hands often

Washing your hands with soap and water is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of illness. Our care workers who work with Secure Healthcare Solutions are out in the field and we take pride in our quality of care, and we provide full PPE for all field staff as we hold an open-door policy so our staff can come in to ensure they are all stocked up with their PPE to ensure health and safety and spreading of any germs and illnesses are minimalized.

  • Getting Enough Sleep

Having an adequate amount of sleep is a major key to staying healthy for care workers and nurses. There are many benefits of getting enough sleep such as being able to think more clearly. As a Care worker or a nurse, this is vital as you are providing a service of care. Getting more sleep is healthy as it also reduces stress and puts you in a better mood. This has benefits as you will be face to face with clients and service users.

  • Avoiding harmful use of Alcohol

Not having a harmful amount of alcohol is a major benefit for staying healthy not just for care workers and nurses but for everyone in general. Drinking a harmful amount of alcohol has risks for weight gain, and it can interfere with memory and learning, which is a major key for care workers and nurses, keeping your mind clear so you are aware of what goes on in the shift and what you have done for night handovers and day handovers is key for either the carer or nurse who takes you off shift. Harmful alcohol intake can also lead to liver diseases and other severe chronic diseases. So, monitoring your intake of alcohol is a key tip for staying healthy for care workers and nurses.

friendly young nurse talking to senior patient
  • Being Active

Being more active is a brilliant way to keep healthy, this isn’t just for Care workers and nurses but everyone overall. Making physical activity part of your daily routine can be a good way to keep fit and healthy, taking walks during your break. Cycling to work will be another benefit for staying healthy. Physical activity will keep you active and especially when you are on your feet providing a service of care being a care worker and nurse, it’ll give you more energy and be proactive.

  • Eating a Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy balanced diet is key to staying healthy, basing your meals on high fiber and starchy carbohydrates will give you a sufficient amount of energy for daily activities especially working in care, you’ll need the right amount of fuel for your shift if its in nursing homes, community care or even working in the NHS. Eating a lot of fruit and veg can give you an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals, and they are high in the fiber itself. Fruit and veg have a wide range of boosting health antioxidants. Eating a balanced diet of fruit and vegetables can minimalize a person’s risk of getting and developing heart disease, cancer, inflammation, and diabetes. Cutting down Saturated fats and sugar is also another tip for a healthy balanced diet. Being a care worker or nurse means that you’ll be on the go 24/7 depending on your shit pattern so having a healthy mindset and a healthy body it’ll keep you going for your long hours. Water intake is key for staying healthy as we know our bodies are made up of 60% water more than half. Drinking plenty of water has many benefits such as relieving and preventing headaches. Drinking 2 liters of water a day is a good key to staying healthy.

Secure Healthcare Solutions have many positions available for Care Workers and Nurses

To have a look follow the link below for more information:

Sleep hygiene is a practice of better sleeping habits that can help you get a better night’s sleep. Practicing better sleep hygiene goes beyond buying comfortable mattresses and better sheets.

What you do during the day and into the night can affect your quality of sleep. Examples of good sleep hygiene can insist on staying away from frequent naps during the day. Good sleep can improve your overall sleep health, this can result in a more peaceful and sound sleep. Resulting in providing a better service of care.

Does sleep hygiene work?

Sleep hygiene has the potential to improve your ability to fall and stay asleep and to give you more energy when working in the field with Secure Healthcare Solutions. Even minor adjustments to your daily routine in the evening and in the day can massively impact your quality of sleep. Practicing good sleep hygiene is not a cure for any sleeping disorders and this shouldn’t be a replacement for medical treatment if you experience symptoms of chronic sleep disorders such as chronic insomnia.

Benefits of Good Sleep Hygiene:

When carers sleep well, we wake up feeling fresh and rejuvenated. Good sleeping habits can make a positive impact not only on your overall health but also it can make a positive impact in your lifestyle. Good Sleep Hygiene boosts the chances of restful sleep, which will then have the ability to improve productivity when working in care, mental, physical well-being, and overall quality of life. Other benefits may include:

 Better Immune System
 Increased Muscle Repair
 Sharper Memory
 Enhanced energy levels

The quality of sleep which we get at night reflects on how we look and feel daily, which is why healthy sleep hygiene for carers is so important as their role is crucial in providing services of care.

3 Ways to Improve your Sleep Hygiene:

1. Soaking up the Sun in the morning
When you wake up in the morning you should expose yourself to natural light. We recommend spending time in the morning in the sun, doing this can rest your circadian rhythm and send signals to your brain and tell you that it’s time to start the day. A morning walk outside is also another great way to wake up naturally and get an energy boost. Even if you don’t have time for a morning stroll open up the windows and get the brightness into your home.

2. Regular Exercise
Having around 20 – 30 minutes of exercise or physical activity a day can help you fall asleep during the night. Also, it’ll allow you to fall asleep easier. Being active can also decrease the number of times you wake up in the middle of the night result will lead to deeper sleep. However, it is really important to stay away from the immense type of exercise either one or two hours before bed as this raises your heart rate therefore leaving it more difficult for you to fall asleep.

3. Limit naps during the day
Whilst an occasional nap can be beneficial, anything over the 20-minute mark and then having a regular pattern throughout the day can affect your sleep at night. Naps taken in the latter part of the car are proven to make it difficult for people to fall asleep during normal hours of the night. Naps longer than 20 minutes can cause grogginess or disorientation after waking up.

At Secure Healthcare Solutions, we encourage good sleep hygiene when you are working with us, we like to make sure you are at your best and not run down.

For opportunities working for working with Secure Healthcare solutions click the link:


A Mental Health care worker operates under many different job titles, these could be “Counsellor”. “Clinician”, “Therapist” and many more titles.

What may consist of a Mental Health worker’s responsibility?

  • Provide Patient Care
  • Assisted Living
  • Development Plans
  • Monitoring physical mental health for patients and service users
  • Going out on visits to patients
  • Leading therapy sessions
  • Keeping records

What is the role of a Mental Health Support Worker?

A Few Examples of a mental health support worker can include support people with mental health experiences such as Bipolar Disorder, BPD, Addiction, Schizophrenia, and anxiety disorders. Mental Health conditions are sometimes complex to diagnose as we know everyone is different and conditions can affect in many serious ways a person’s day to day life.

Key Responsibilities being a Mental Health Support Worker

Mental health support workers work alongside individuals with mental illnesses in order to help them cope more and more easily with their daily lives and activities in addition to providing them with vital support in order for them to help achieve their goals. Often it is important for a mental health support worker to take on a diversity of roles when working with an individual patient, there are times acting as a carer whilst other times offering emotional support and being there as a friend if it is required. Mental Health support workers usually are part of a diverse nursing team working under the supervision of a Registered nurse (RGN)

Typically, a Mental Health worker’s duty will include the provision of therapy or assisting in the basic care to patients that have developmental disabilities or any form of mental illnesses. For example, a mental health support worker can help the individual prepare cooked meals or support them with their essential daily activities like getting ready or if needed administration of any medication. Here at Secure Healthcare Solutions, we offer all training needed for you to progress in your care career if this is something that you want to get into.

Skills that a Mental health Support Worker Requires:

Being a Mental Health support worker isn’t the easiest job although it is particularly a rewarding job, if you are the type of individual that is keen to help make difference in people’s lives then it is for you if you take great pride in being a witness first hand to the impact of an individual with any mental health illness. Typically, a mental health support worker requires certain traits such as being able to remain patient with people when dealing with trying circumstances or emotional behavior. You must also be able to be accepting of other people’s lifestyles and understand how that individual’s mental health issues have a massive impact on their lives. The most important skill is that a mental health support worker is to remain calm in a stressful situation and be flexible enough to be dealing with a range of different behaviors that may present certain challenges.

Mental Health care worker

How Does Someone get an assigned Mental Health Support Worker?

If you or a loved one suffer and have been impacted by a mental illness causing a struggle to cope with your everyday life, then you need to do the following:
Contact your Local authority (LA) or someone who is in charge of providing public services. Your LA is responsible for ensuring that individuals with eligible needs get the care and support needed. These are often determined by an assessment being done which will come to a conclusion whether or not a person is entitled to the support in the form of a support worker or social care.

An assessment will take place, they take into consideration your living situation and whether or not your wellbeing is being affected by your mental illness.

Secure Healthcare has many positions for Mental Health Support workers, to enquire please click the link below:

Being a Healthcare Assistant means is a very meaningful and rewarding job. Most importantly you are a front-line worker ensuring quality care and support is provided to those who require it. Providing care and the support needed for service users either within their own homes or in a residential home. We appreciate every single Healthcare Assistant who dedicates their lives to helping others.

The 6 Cs of care:

  • Compassion
  • Commitment
  • Care
  • Competency
  • Courage
  • Communication

Amy is one of our Healthcare assistants:

“ I work as a healthcare assistant in residential care for the elderly and people who require mental support. A typical start to the day is 08:00 am just after a handover from the night staff. Normally they go room to room assisting the residents either getting out of bed or going to prep the food for them. Some sit in either chair or on the side of the bed while others stay in bed and then wait for their breakfast. After this is completed, we then proceed to help the patients get ready.”

Regular tasks that are performed by health care assistants are personal care, washing, and turning patients, (Secure Healthcare Solutions provide Basic life support and Manual Handling training for all staff which is needed). Toileting, Incontinence care, mobilizing, feeding. It can also include observation reports for any possible problems that may have occurred.

Being a Healthcare Assistant is a very rewarding job. Although the days follow a similar routine, it does vary. Healthcare Assistants play a hands-on role with the people they care for. Over time they tend to build relationships of trust and respect the individuals and their own families.

Working as a Healthcare Assistant can also be a bit stressful from time to time. Some tasks are not the most pleasant but it is necessary at the time. It can be both physically and emotionally demanding. Some of the clients you provide a service of care to require a high demand of assistance and you have to be able to deal with it inevitably, times it could be dealing with their deaths too. Healthcare assistants are involved in shift patterns and they also require 24-hour care.

Healthcare Assistant

My time working nights as a Healthcare Assistant (HCA)

“A Nightshift is a bit different from a day shift when working in care. Personally, I would say I prefer night shifts compared to the day shifts; I normally prefer working nights. During the night shifts, I normally start around 8 pm so this means I would come in a bit earlier around 20-30 minutes earlier. During this time, I would receive a handover on what was done on the day, make myself something to drink, and prepare any documentation needed.”

“ I have been working in the Care sectors for 3 years now and I can never of asked for a better and more rewarding job”

Secure Healthcare Solutions offers many positions of being a Healthcare Assistant in and around the west midlands area.

For more opportunities Secure Healthcare Solutions has to offer please click on the link below:


Working in care is a rewarding job where you get the chance to succeed and help people with their progression back to their normal lives. Secure Healthcare Solutions has many options to help with your care career.

Jobs available:
 Home care
 Complex Care
 Community care
 Nursing Care Homes


Working in community care gives you the flexibility in your working hours, where you can work on certain runs in and around your home life. For example, Secure Healthcare Solutions has runs that can vary from 06:00-14:00 or 14:00-23:00. We have many carers who work with us who work around school runs for their children, this is a benefit for working with the community care team with Secure Healthcare Solutions.


Another benefit for working in care is the progression you can make. To start off in your care career majority of people start off in home care/community care to gain the right amount of experience. After working a certain period of time, this can vary from 6 months to maybe a year. Secure Healthcare Solutions offers in house training for our staff and clinical support to help you gain the sufficient amount of experience to either go into working in nursing or care home even can go into the complex care team where you will be dealing with service users who have 24-hour care with a more clinical background of care.

Sociable Job:

Working In care gives you the opportunity to be sociable by working with other carers and providing a service of care to different individuals. Working in Community care for Secure Healthcare Solutions allows you to meet new service users and carers nearly every hour, going from house-to-house building and maintaining a relationship with many different people. Also working in Care homes and nursing homes will allow you to be very sociable, working with many different service users and members of staff every day.
Secure healthcare Solutions
No two days will be the same:
Working in care with Secure Healthcare Solutions is going to be an excellent choice for yourself, It’s a fun and enjoyable journey if you don’t like your days to be boring!

The great thing about working in care homes is that you are never sure on exactly what is going to happen from one hour to the next Yourself and your colleagues will be working together and creating an enjoyable environment for the patients that are in your care. What exactly this means is likely to depend on the particular interests of the residents and their family members. This means you’ll be invited to explore a wider range of varied activities.

There are a few things more fundamentally rewarding than caring for someone else. Whether this is helping to empower an older person to make the most out of their day and to enjoy it, supporting them with short- or long-term health needs, or even easing the way for someone as they are about to reach the end of their life. Caring for others is a huge privilege

At the end of each of your shifts, you’ll be able to head home with the knowledge and satisfaction that you have made a real difference to the quality-of-life residents. The care you provide to elderly people on a daily basis will be values, appreciated and vital to sustaining their quality of life.

If you want to be apart of our Secure Family click the link below to register:

At Secure Healthcare, we are an ever-growing company that provides care and staff built on people. We strive to provide the best quality care and support to individuals across the Midlands and Staffordshire. Every member of our team is a valuable part in our journey to ensure that we achieve this together. We are committed to doing everything we can to help you realise your potential.

The identifying potential is the heart of everything we do. We believe that healthcare workers have the potential to achieve. At Secure you are in the right place, by providing the right support, training and development and career planning, there is potential to progress your career with us.

Within the company, if you are invested and committed, the support is there to make you progress your career with us.

Here at Secure, alongside telling individuals that we value them. We work closely with our staff to ensure they have a clear progression path, with a personalised learning plan to allow our staff achieve their next goal and these plans are constantly updated.

How does Secure Healthcare Solutions support work/life balance?
Our healthcare staff at Secure love their work, and we understand that everyone have their own lives too, Everyone, has their own commitments, such as children care, interests and hobbies and challenges occurring in society. Secure healthcare supports a flexible way to make this happen to create a work life balance. We want individuals to feel comfortable and happy in their personal life and at work.

Staff progression within the company
Here at Secure, over 70% of staff have been promoted internally, we are always providing opportunities with the company. There are always opportunities to get to your next step, whether it is a healthcare role or a role within the office, we are here to support you all the way.

How does Secure reward Staff?
Here at Secure healthcare, we offer competitive salaries to all our staff and pick up a lot of extra shifts to increase annual earnings. We offer flexible working hours to our staff to allow them have a good work life balance, so they can do the things they enjoy. We also have referral schemes, for healthcare staff referred, this allows you to increase your annual earnings.

Training opportunities at Secure Healthcare Solutions
Here at Secure, we heavily invest in training for our staff. We have a clinical team that provides healthcare training and soft skill development to ensure that you are up to date with training, to ensure quality care and support is provided. For example, you may start your journey as a domiciliary carer which requires no care experience, you would just need to be passionate about providing care and progress your career to become a complex carer through training and qualifications that we are able to provided you.
Work at Secure Healthcare
We are a nursing agency in Wolverhampton and we have many healthcare jobs across the Midlands and Staffordshire, offering flexible shifts to suit your availability and we offer high rates of pay. If you are seeking to secure a role within the healthcare industry, then check out our domiciliary roles, HCA, Complex carers and nurse roles local to you within the West Midlands and Staffordshire, using our job search tool or contact us on 0121 285 9449 to find out more. Pick up as many shifts as you want and choose shifts around your availability.

Generally, majority of registered general nurse roles require you to work 12hr shifts to ensure the best care and support can be provided and the prospect of this can be quite daunting. Although caring and providing support for patients is the main priority, it is also important to take time to look after yourself.

As a nursing agency with years of experience, that’s employs registered general nurse, registered learning disability and registered mental nurse, we understand that twelve-hour shifts put your body under high pressure and it can take time for your body to get use to the routine, which is why we have highlighted the top five tips for nurses working 12hr shifts.

The benefits of working long 12-hour shifts, scheduled across 3-day segments, with a 4-day weekend to rest and relax. This allows nurses to spend extra days off with family and friends and allows you to do things that you enjoy. You may have a hobby such as cooking or you may want to spend time going to the gym.

Get loads of rest
One of the most important things to do when working long shifts as registered nurse is to get enough sleep. It is important that you get plenty of rest to keep you healthy, both physically and mentally. By not sleeping enough your concentration and productivity will be affected and it will also affect your immune system.

Bring plenty of food
For a registered nurse role, it is important to take breaks. During the breaks it is important that you remain energised by consuming nutritious foods. With you being on your feet a lot it is recommended to consume a high amount of protein and carbohydrates.

Stay hydrated
Staying hydrated is important to keep you alert and also to ensure that you stay healthy. Dehydration can have a negative impact on your body, which can cause you to feel lightheaded, tired, dizzy, feeling thirsty and having a dry mouth, lips and eyes.

It is important that drink water over the day, and not altogether. There is a number of ways that this can be done, setting reminders on your phone is a great way for you to track your intake and also to send regular reminders.
NursesVitamin levels
It is recommended to drink 2.5 litres of water a day, however because of increased time on your feet, it is recommended to consume more water, we roughly recommend around 25% to 50% more.

It is important that your vitamin levels are high to keep your immune system strong and to ensure that your body functions on a day-to-day basis. If vitamin levels are low, it can reduce your energy levels. You can boost vitamin levels by taking multivitamins or eating food with high vitamin levels.

Comfortable shoes
As a nurse comfortable shoes are one of the most important investments as a nurse. You will be spending majority of your shift on your feet, providing care to patients, communicating with healthcare professionals and also patient’s family members, therefore you will need shoes that stop your feet from hurting and blisters occurring.

We recommend that you wear shoes that are slip resistant, lightweight and shoes that have good support.

We are a nursing agency in Wolverhampton and we have many registered nurse jobs across the Midlands and Staffordshire, offering flexible shifts to suit your availability and we offer high rates of pay. Check out our job search tool to discover roles local to you or contact our recruitment team on 0121 285 9449 to find out more about our registered general nurse, registered learning disability and registered mental nurse roles to secure a role with us today. We have a team of specialist nurses and we are continuously looking to grow our team by working with you.