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Do you have a partner with dementia? Talking Point is a safe space to talk and share support and advice.

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Talking Point is a helpful online community where anyone who is affected by dementia can receive valuable support.

It’s free, open day or night, and can be accessed online.

‘I really appreciated the help and support I get from people I’ve never met. This helped me to cope with my situation, deal with my feelings, frustrations, worries and fears. I felt as though there was always someone I could turn to, and no matter when I posted, I always received a reply from someone within hours.

‘When you are dealing with someone with dementia, this is so important. With statutory services, I have often had to wait days for anyone just to ring me back.’

On Talking Point you can:

  • ask for advice
  • read other people’s stories
  • offload your concerns about dementia
  • share helpful information.

How is Talking Point run?

Talking Point is run by a small team of staff and supported by brilliant volunteers. The volunteers all have personal experience of caring for people with dementia. They help to welcome new members, point people toward useful resources and provide on-going support for the service.

As the community isn’t manned by professional advisers, it cannot provide medical or legal advice. Help is instead provided through shared experience and peer support.

Register to Talking Point

Visit Talking Point now to register and join the community.

You can begin by posting a message to introduce yourself in our welcome forum. You may prefer to browse the community for a while, and simply read what others have written, before posting a message.

If you have any questions, please refer to Talking Point guide or contact our team on TalkingPoint@alzheimers.org.uk.

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