Being diagnosed with cancer can be a very scary and difficult time both for you and for your family. This is why it is important to prepare yourself for what to expect and deal with any feelings that you can to help you cope with the days ahead. If you are looking for cancer care, or any advice, we are here to help. Here are some top tips for coping with a cancer diagnosis…
Get all the facts that you can
One of the first things you will want to do following your diagnosis is to get all the facts. Some things you might want to ask your doctor could include:
What type of cancer do I have?
Has my cancer spread?
Can my cancer be treated?
What treatment options are available to me?
What can I expect during the treatment?
What are the next steps?
What cancer care assistance can I get?
Once you have the answers to these questions you might feel a bit more in control and prepared for what is coming. It is important to find out what you are up against. This way you can avoid too many unpleasant or unexpected surprises along the way. Your health care team will be more than happy to answer any questions that you might have.
Tell your family and loved ones
It can be hard to tell your family or loved ones that you have cancer, but it can also help to do so. They will want to be there and support you and it might feel like a weight has been lifted. If you are in denial you might put off telling your loved ones as it makes it feel more real, but it is the best thing to do. When you speak to them, introduce the subject gradually and that is easiest for you. If you find it easier to do so over the phone or by email instead of in person, then do this. It is about what makes you feel the most comfortable.
Be prepared that some of your family might get upset, some might be silent and some might have lots of questions. All of these are normal reactions and just because they love and care about you and want to help you. Be as truthful as you can and don’t be afraid to ask them for help if you need it. You might want them to pass the news on to others. It can be exhausting having to have the same discussion over and over again with different people.
Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels
Consider your finances
When you get a cancer diagnosis you need to consider your finances and be prepared. You will likely need to take time off of work. So be sure to speak to your employers about how they will support you with this. You might have to travel to hospitals or treatment centres that are further away and require you to hire a car, pay for petrol or get a hotel room. Consider the costs of these and speak to your local clinic or hospital. They can advise on financial aid during and after your cancer treatment.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
Don’t forget that your friends and family will want to be there for you, so make sure you let them. If you don’t have any friends or family that live near you, or who are available during the day, you can also look into cancer care services. Here at Secure Healthcare Solutions, we have a range of cancer care services to help you. We can assist with everything from picking up your shopping or medication to your household chores, preparing your meals and emotional support too.
These are just a few tips for coping with a cancer diagnosis. Make sure that you get the help you need. If you require any cancer care or at-home care, we are here to help. Please get in touch with us today.
If you are looking for a role in home care, cancer care and for any cancer care jobs near you, you can find our vacancies here.