Smoking is the main way tobacco is used and this is a very addictive habit, it may burn a hole in your pocket but can burn the insides of your body too. The theme for this year’s World Tobacco Day is Lung health and we will be explaining the dangers of using tobacco.
With more than 4,000 chemicals being produced when burning tobacco your cells can adjust from normal cells to cancerous cells. Chemicals such as nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar once inhaled cause the mucus in the lungs and airways to enlarge which increases the chances of an infection.
As we all know, common side effects that come with smoking involves coughing, an increase in catching colds, wheezing and asthma. These may not be concerning side effects for you however over a long period of time there is a higher risk of obtaining life threatening diseases such as pneumonia and lung cancer. With deaths from Lung cancer being 83% caused by smoking as well as 84% of people dying with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) it shows there is a greater need for people to stop using tobacco.
With the healthcare industry creating resources for people to stop smoking lead by health care assistants and registered nurses there are many ways that you can find a way to stop you from smoking.