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The morning cup of coffee is what a lot of people look forward to when they wake up especially as Health Care Assistants working 12-hour shifts. When you still feel groggy in the morning to give you that boost through the morning a good cup of coffee will sort you out to work in either your hospitals, community sector, nursing homes, or private hospitals.

You are not alone!

In America, 80% of Americans drink coffee every day.

But do you think drinking coffee is bad for you?

The majority of people say that when drinking coffee, their heart feels weird. They may feel things such as your heart racing, heart palpitations, or an increased heart rate. Does this mean Coffee is Bad for you?

Coffee is actually full of health benefits, according to the collection of cardiology, drinking two to three cups of coffee per day is associated with maintaining a healthy heart.

Having two to three cups of coffee a day has a neutral effect, this means that it didn’t cause any harm to the health of the heart thus performing to the best of your ability as a healthcare assistant/ Nurse

Cardiovascular improvements were associated with a low risk for:

  • Developing coronary heart disease
  • Heart failure
  • Heart rhythm problems
  • Dying for any reason

If you are a one-cup-a-day coffee drinker, there’s good news for you too, the risk of getting a heart-related death and stroke is lower!

health effect coffee

“Coffee beans actually have over 100 biologically active compounds. These substances can help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, improve insulin sensitivity, boost metabolism, inhibit the guts absorption of fat, and block receptors known to be involved with abnormal heart rhythms”

Negative effects on the heart from coffee for health care assistants:

Caffeine’s effect on overall health is one of the biggest concerns when it comes to coffee. The caffeine that is in coffee is high, around 100mg per 8-ounce cup.

Caffeine increases the heart rate and blood pressure, and too much of it can cause things such as anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and stomach irritation. Also, caffeine is very addictive. Whilst being on shift as a Healthcare Assistant/ Nurse, drinking a coffee is the only thing that may keep you going as working through your hard shift or to keep you awake

Roughly, around 400mg is the maximum amount of caffeine that someone should consume in one day, which equals around 4 cups of coffee a day.

On the other hand, a lot of people do not normally consume their coffee black, this is where coffee can go from good to bad! Adding the milk or cream and sugar can significantly increase the calorie, sugar, and fat content. This can cause weight gain, diabetes, and increased blood sugar levels which again can lead to heart disease and other health problems.

When drinking coffee think about the benefits and the problems it can come with, and when adding your sweetener, try something besides sugars and creamers!

Secure Healthcare Solutions has many opportunities for Healthcare Assistants and nurses!

Click the link below:


Nurses in the UK are at risk of losing their jobs for not having the vaccine unless they are medically exempt. Nurse Jobs are at risk and will affect the NHS and other private hospitality sectors will have a staff shortage. These are our frontline workers that risk their lives every day to provide a service of care.

  • People who should not receive the vaccine:
  • Pregnant Women
  • Children Under 16 (Moderna)
  • Children under 18 (AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine and Pfizer/BioNTech Vaccine)
  • History of an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) to ingredients in the vaccine, if you are unsure about this, before being vaccinated please ask a member of staff

Following the guidelines of Public Health England, all Nurses are required to have their vaccination by April 1st, 2022.

Nurses working in a care home or a home setting sector will require to show proof of the Covid-19 vaccine to employers to be able to enter the care home or service user’s house. The government has made it mandatory for Carers and Nurses to take both doses of the vaccine if they would want to proceed with their career in the Healthcare Sector.

Nurse Jobs

According to Communitycare.co.uk, there will be a loss of 38,000 workers at an approximate recruitment cost to providers of £94m. Surveys from over 100 members in November 2021 found out that 23% have anticipated losing a quarter or more of their workforce and many more to lose in the future.

The Care Quality Commission have said that the high rising of the vaccines and falling numbers or the jobs that are filled shows that employers were finding it extremely difficult to find the right people to fill roles for vulnerable service users who need the support to go on with their day-to-day activities

Approximately 27 million people have received both doses of the vaccine to provide the maximum protection for themselves. Secure Healthcare Solutions highly recommends individuals in the healthcare sector especially those who are Nurses to be vaccinated to help protect against the threat of the new variant.

Click the link below to find Walk-in Vaccination Centres near you:

Find a walk-in coronavirus covid-19 vaccination site

What Secure Healthcare Solutions has to offer:

Here at Secure Healthcare Solutions, we have vacancies for Nurses jobs across the West Midlands and East Midlands area, in Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Walsall, Tipton, Dudley, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, and Shropshire Area.

Nurse Jobs are available in Wolverhampton, Stoke, Shrewsbury, Birmingham, and many more. If you are interested or know anyone who is interested, please follow our website

or call 0121 285 94499 to talk to one of our recruitment consultants for a thorough breakdown of what we have available, our consultants will be able to guide you in the right direction.

Generally, majority of registered general nurse roles require you to work 12hr shifts to ensure the best care and support can be provided and the prospect of this can be quite daunting. Although caring and providing support for patients is the main priority, it is also important to take time to look after yourself.

As a nursing agency with years of experience, that’s employs registered general nurse, registered learning disability and registered mental nurse, we understand that twelve-hour shifts put your body under high pressure and it can take time for your body to get use to the routine, which is why we have highlighted the top five tips for nurses working 12hr shifts.

The benefits of working long 12-hour shifts, scheduled across 3-day segments, with a 4-day weekend to rest and relax. This allows nurses to spend extra days off with family and friends and allows you to do things that you enjoy. You may have a hobby such as cooking or you may want to spend time going to the gym.

Get loads of rest
One of the most important things to do when working long shifts as registered nurse is to get enough sleep. It is important that you get plenty of rest to keep you healthy, both physically and mentally. By not sleeping enough your concentration and productivity will be affected and it will also affect your immune system.

Bring plenty of food
For a registered nurse role, it is important to take breaks. During the breaks it is important that you remain energised by consuming nutritious foods. With you being on your feet a lot it is recommended to consume a high amount of protein and carbohydrates.

Stay hydrated
Staying hydrated is important to keep you alert and also to ensure that you stay healthy. Dehydration can have a negative impact on your body, which can cause you to feel lightheaded, tired, dizzy, feeling thirsty and having a dry mouth, lips and eyes.

It is important that drink water over the day, and not altogether. There is a number of ways that this can be done, setting reminders on your phone is a great way for you to track your intake and also to send regular reminders.
NursesVitamin levels
It is recommended to drink 2.5 litres of water a day, however because of increased time on your feet, it is recommended to consume more water, we roughly recommend around 25% to 50% more.

It is important that your vitamin levels are high to keep your immune system strong and to ensure that your body functions on a day-to-day basis. If vitamin levels are low, it can reduce your energy levels. You can boost vitamin levels by taking multivitamins or eating food with high vitamin levels.

Comfortable shoes
As a nurse comfortable shoes are one of the most important investments as a nurse. You will be spending majority of your shift on your feet, providing care to patients, communicating with healthcare professionals and also patient’s family members, therefore you will need shoes that stop your feet from hurting and blisters occurring.

We recommend that you wear shoes that are slip resistant, lightweight and shoes that have good support.

We are a nursing agency in Wolverhampton and we have many registered nurse jobs across the Midlands and Staffordshire, offering flexible shifts to suit your availability and we offer high rates of pay. Check out our job search tool to discover roles local to you or contact our recruitment team on 0121 285 9449 to find out more about our registered general nurse, registered learning disability and registered mental nurse roles to secure a role with us today. We have a team of specialist nurses and we are continuously looking to grow our team by working with you.

At Secure Healthcare Solutions, our diverse Nurses are a crucial part of the front-line team of incredible key workers who have been great during these difficult times. We appreciate the hard work that they have done and continue to do so.

In the UK, 1 in 5 people is from an ethnic minority background, equivalent to 20% of people in the NHS.

Here at Secure Healthcare Solutions, we believe in diversity and equality, we employ a wide range of Nurses from diverse backgrounds. Approximately 40% of our Nurses are from an ethnic minority background. We ensure that we provide our Nurses from all ethnic backgrounds with training and qualifications to allow them to advance their careers with us to become senior Nurses. As a company that values diversity, we ensure that we respect individual’s cultures and beliefs. Research by McKinsey & Company shows that ‘ethnically diverse companies are 35% more likely to outperform companies with minimal diversity’.

A workforce that encourages learning
By having a diverse workforce of Nurses, it promotes a learning mindset, where people from various cultures have new knowledge which they can share and be open to learning to develop knowledge. This is important, as healthcare continues to develop, and having a workforce that is open to new forms of learning will ensure that you will be able to adapt better to these changes and find it less difficult to develop a new set of skills.

Strong individual motivation
When there is a lack of diversity in the workforce, individuals generally may not feel comfortable communicating with others and unable to express their true personality traits, as they are worried about fitting in, as opposed to being themselves. Feeling like you do not fit in, can lead to increased stress and make you feel depressed. Having a diverse work environment, where individuals’ culture and ethnic background is respected is important, so individuals feel comfortable and feel part of the team.

Effective communication with patients
Having a diverse workforce of Nurses is very important within the Healthcare sector. We live in a multicultural country and communicating with patients in another language may be required at times, as patients English may not be fluent, patients are likely to feel comfortable speaking their own language and it is important that communication with medical staff is effective to ensure the correct treatment and care is provided.


Greater employee retention
Having a diverse range of staff, so staff feels comfortable in a work environment will increase employee retention. If staff feel comfortable, included, valued, and have the opportunity to progress, they are less likely to seek jobs elsewhere. This will ensure a great working environment with experienced diverse Nurses.

Better recruitment
By having a diverse background within the organization, individuals are more likely to apply for roles, as they respect the values of a diverse company, the company will be able to attract better talent which allows learning and development for career progression.

The CIPD provides some great information on diversity and inclusion in the workplace, find out more by clicking here

Here at Secure Healthcare Solutions, we employ a diverse range of Nurses from various ethnic backgrounds in the West Midlands and Staffordshire. We believe in a multicultural workforce, that allows individuals to progress their careers with us.

Use our Job search tool to discover a Nurse role local to you or contact our recruitment team on 0121 285 9449 to find out more