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Having dementia does not change your right to vote - Alzheimers Society

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Was this your experience at the General Election? Or do you think the Government needs to improve the voting process for people with dementia? Our Campaigns team explain how you can share your experiences and help make sure the rights of people to vote are upheld.

The right to vote

The Mental Capacity Act, which provides a framework for making decisions on behalf of people who lack the capacity to make a decision, does not apply to voting. This means that a lack of mental capacity does not stop someone from being able to vote. It is up to the person to decide if they want to vote and if they need it, they should be supported to do so.

Unfortunately, we know this doesn’t always happen in practice.

Even in the most recent election, we heard from people who experienced difficulties when voting, like being asked inappropriate questions about whom they’re voting for and staff not allowing carers to support people at polling booths.

It’s clear that more needs to be done. People with conditions such as dementia should not be prevented from exercising what is a fundamental democratic right.

Make your voice heard

Help change this by sharing your experience of voting.

The Government, in partnership with other organisations, is looking for evidence from people who have disabilities about their experience of registering to vote and voting itself. From filling in the registration forms to the support available at polling stations on Election Day, they want to hear about each stage of the process.

After the consultation is complete, they’ll produce a report of all the findings. This will include recommendations about what needs to change to make sure the rights of people to vote are upheld.

So whether you have experience of registering and casting your vote yourself or you have supported someone else to do so, please do share your experiences and make sure your voice is heard.

Visit the Call for Evidence webpage on Gov.UK for details of the consultation questions and how to respond. This information is available in a range of accessible formats.

The deadline to respond is 5pm on Tuesday 14 November. If you have any questions – or want to share your experiences with us – please contact the Campaigns team at Alzheimer’s Society on change@alzheimers.org.uk

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