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Top Benefits of Including Physiotherapy in Care Plans For The Elderly

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As you get older you tend to not move around so much and your joints and muscles can weaken. Elderly people can suffer from poorer eyesight, pain when you move, and reduced coordination – all of which might be the reason that you can no longer get around as you once did. This is why it is important to partake in physiotherapy to help battle this. Physiotherapy is often thought of as something to keep athletes in shape, but the reality is that it can help anybody at any time.

It is essentially the process of improving the movement and function of your body and anyone can benefit from it. When setting up a care plan for yourself or a loved one, it is a good idea to speak to the carer about physiotherapy options and how this can be integrated with the plan at hand. Home carers can work with or liaise with physiotherapists to ensure you get the care that you need. Here are some top benefits of including physiotherapy in care plans for the elderly.

Benefits of Including Physiotherapy in Care Plans For The Elderly

What will a physiotherapist do?

– Find out about any falls at home or concerns you might have
Decide the best approach to tackle this
Work on strength and balance
– Show the patient how to do some exercises on their own to strengthen muscles at any time

How can physiotherapy in care plans for the elderly help?

It can improve mobility

When deciding care plans for the elderly, the aim needs to be on making their life as comfortable and independent as can be. By doing physiotherapy it improves your mobility and can enable you to walk around the house better, doing more things on your own.

It is a safe way to exercise

When you get older you might not be able to just pop out for a game of tennis or a job as and when you feel like it. Yet that doesn’t mean you don’t want to do some exercise – particularly if you used to be into fitness. Physiotherapy is a safe and risk-free way of getting a bit of exercise into a daily routine. You will be assigned small exercises that are within your capabilities and will be overseen by a carer or physiotherapist.

It can reduce the chances of a fall

A fall is a scary thing for both the person involved and their loved ones. One in three people over 65 have a fall each year and 10-25% suffer a serious injury from this. By partaking in physiotherapy and improving strength and balance, this helps to reduce the chances of a fall and therefore be much safer around the home.

It can aid with recovery

Home care plans for the elderly aid with recovery as soon as possible. If you have just returned from the hospital due to injury or something such as a stroke, physiotherapy can help you regain strength and mobility. Your physiotherapist will put you on a plan tailored to your needs. If you are coming out of the hospital and won’t be able to do things at home like you normally would, we can provide emergency care at home to help.

These are just a few things that a physiotherapist will do to help with home care plans for the elderly.

To find out more about our home care plans or our home care vacancies, please get in touch.

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