When the time comes for you to introduce a home carer to your or a loved one’s life, it can feel like a big step. You probably have a lot of questions to ask and things you are thinking about before it happens. It can feel difficult, confusing, or a bit overwhelming, but this is completely normal and to be expected. In order to make it a bit easier for you, we have put together some of the top questions that you might have thought of but don’t know the answers to, or those that you haven’t even thought to ask. Here are our top questions to ask your home carer before they start…
1. Why did you start working in care?
This is a great question to ask your home carer as it helps you to get to know your potential home carer and what their personality is like. After all, if you are going to be accepting someone regularly into your home and to look after you, you want to know you trust them, their personality, and their professionalism. If you know what prompted them to begin their career as a carer, you will find out about their journey and hear stories about what they have done. It is also a great way to get to know them a bit more and find out if they are someone you gel and connect with for your home care.
2. Do you visit me before my home care starts?
You will receive your own dedicated home care plan before your carer starts with you and this will usually be decided following a care assessment process. The person who will be your main carer or a dedicated care manager will come and visit you ahead of time so you can answer any questions (such as in this article) and they can conduct a health and safety risk assessment as well as find out a bit more about you. They will be able to see your living situation, what your condition is like (if you have one), and how you currently go about your day to day life. When your bespoke care plan is created, they will ask questions such as any medications you require, any challenges you face with your daily life such as mobility, hearing or sight, your dietary needs, who else helps with your care, and your lifestyle choices, preferences and beliefs.
3. Will I always have the same carer? How often will I see them?
We know how important it is to have someone that is constant in your life. Someone that can get to know you as a person, your preferences with how you like things done, and knows your routine. If you were to have a myriad of different carers every day not only would this be an inconvenience, but can also be unsettling. Because of this, we try to ensure you have the same couple of carers as much of the time as possible. Sometimes this cannot be the case, for example, if your regular carer is off sick or on holiday, but you should be given a different carer who you have probably met and interacted with before. Remember that it is down to you with how you feel about your carer and if after a few visits you aren’t comfortable with them, you are well within your rights to ask for someone else.
4. What costs are included?
The costs for your home care plan will depend on a number of different factors. The amount you pay can depend on if your local council has carried out a care needs assessment and agreed you are eligible for this, your income, and your savings. The council will do a means test to decide how much you need to pay. If you are self-funding your care, you will need to arrange this yourself. As well as the charges per visit, you will also need to find out where they stand on costs such as mileage for trips if VAT is included and National Insurance for the care worker. You will also need to consider things such as shopping money or petrol money for the carer if they go out to fetch your shopping or other items for you during the day.
5. How can I make it easier for you to help me?
Last on our list of questions to ask your home carer is a simple yet worthwhile question as it will help you both with some clarity on what you need. It will show that you understand there are challenges faced within the role, but you want to make it as easy as possible. They might be able to make some suggestions for you which will make you feel more independent or comfortable. For example, you may feel shy and not want to speak up about certain things in case you offend them, but they might not know they are doing something wrong or not how you like it. If you speak up, this will help them care for you in the way you feel most comfortable, and make them feel happier that they are doing their job properly.
These are some of the most important questions to ask your home carer before having them start in your home. It is a big step for all of those involved and therefore it is important that you feel comfortable. Find out more about our home care services here.
If you are looking for a home care role, we have many vacancies and information which you can find here. Get in touch with us today.